.cuti3dimpl3s' angelic shoppe.
.version 1.0.

dj encore ~ i see right through2u

::08.07.02 ~ 2:28 PM::
hmm right now, i'm on my other computer, and its older than the one i usually work with when i update and add stuff to the site, and i realized that older computers realliy cant view anything.. :-\ sorry guys but if u have an other computer, it sUX and u need another one to view this site, and much much more others..:) ok lol buh bye!! i didnt mean2be pessimistic or anything but yea :)*cindy bug*

::08.06.02 ~ 1:55 PM::
wow, i juss' realized i haven't updated in a while :-\ i guess i've just been2lazy. alritey, i dont really need to elaborate much more, cause' i have a blogger up, and if u look down the navagational bar, it should appear.. have fun reading!! (im trying not to put very intamite privatey stuff.. lol) tata!!*cindybug*

::07.30.02 ~ 6:24 PM::
wohoo!! im makin sum good progress, well i added music (thx tessa! ur da best!), and the collages i promised u peeps! im tryin2think of more ideas, so drop me a line and gimme some inspiration! lol bye!*cindy*

::07.30.02 ~ 9:53 PM::
hEY!whew, i couldnt get2update this sooner cause ANGELFIRE HATES ME!yea u heard me.. lol oh well, i've added some new quizzes, and some dividers along the way. the subpages got a lil' sckrewed up while i was gone b/c the bg's were messed up big time.. anyway ~ i made some collages outa my pictures.. you peeps are welcome2use it4your desktop, etc.lol well, im perty tired, i went thro minorfoot surgery on my left toe, so i have to hop around the house alot.. but last sunday, i went to UT AUSTIN! (hook em' horns!!) to visit the campus :O) lol, well4u a&M fans out there.. longhorns still rule! :) i took pics, and i'll get them posted asap, once i develop em! (sams has crappy developing skills, so bear with me and i'll try to fix it with my scanner!) i mite stick in some bg music, it just depends on my mood and what fits for the page! wow that was a lot to say! well ttyl! buh bye! drop me a line if u wish! this gurls gettin lonely :( lol alrite bye! *cindy*

::07.22.02 ~ 2:32 PM::
added new pictures, 411 for this whole site shananigan, and thats about all, oh yea - this html stuff is getting on my nerves..

::07.21.02 ~ 6:01 PM::
*yawn* scanning and uploading can be a pain in the bleep, but im only doin it so you people can steal some and use them on you'alls website (onlie if u ask me first, which is preferebly better!) anyway, go on and take a look see!! *cindy*

::07.20.02 ~ 4:32 PM::
haPpIe birthday grace!! =P lol. anyhoo, pop ups reallie suck (i know) but it was either that, or, ads on the bottom of the page..i finally picked up my pictures (the ones from mr gatti's, and the ones i took w/ my family, and relatives, etc at moody gardens) i'll scan them (hopefully) tomorrow, and get them posted soon. thats all for now! *cindy*

::07.19.02 ~ 6:13 PM::
hey everyone! whew, i finally found a cool layout, and i decided to start up a page.. this is still totally under construction, so check back later. if anyone has any suggestions or a comment(s), or input, just email me here i've been really lazy lately, cause' of summer and my other plans! i finally got back from camp the day b4 yesterday and it was a blast!! alrite, ttyl! *cindy* ps. the navigational bar at the bottom, doesnt operate quite yet, i'm workin' on it tho!

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thanks for stoppin' by! check back in a few more days for more updates and new stuff! hit me up if your the 100th visitor :O) ::cindy::