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 Hey this survey is for my ENVS 1401 class in my college. I'll really appreciate if you answer these questions and send the answers to my email 


§         _____Male   

§         _____Female

Age Group

§         _____0-18

§         _____19-27

§         _____28-45

§         _____46-70+

Level of Education

1.       _____Some High School

2.       _____High School Graduate

3.       _____GED

4.       _____Some College

5.       _____2 years

6.       _____4 years College

7.      _____Doctorate or higher level of education.

Please Circle (1) letter that apply ONLY (a, b, c OR d)

1.      How much water of the earth in percentage do you think we are using?

a.       0.014%

b.       97.4%

c.       50-60%

d.       Let me check with the library

2.      Do you know that we make clean water from salt water?

a.       Yes

b.       No

c.       I thought we get clean water from the rains or lakes

3.      Do you even know how we make clean water from salt water?

a.       By using Distillation or Reverse Osmosis process

b.       By using desalination process

c.       By using magic

4.      Wasting water is

a.       Unethical since you don't even respect the thing that keeps you alive everyday

b.       Unnecessary since you can avoid it very easily

c.       Totally ok since every one is doing it

5.      Have you ever thought about try not to waste water by any chance?

a.       Always

b.       Sometimes

c.       Rarely

d.       Hell no

6.      Do you waste water in some fashions whenever you use it?

a.       I keep water running when I brush my teeth

b.       I let water run for like 3 or 4 hrs when I wash my cars

c.       I water my garden whenever I feel like and for as long as I want to

d.       All of those above

e.       Never

f.    I do waste but not like those above

7.      Do you ever think that water resources can be depleted?

a.       Can that be possible?

b.       Yes, I do

8.      Will you support for the “pay-as-you-use” program in which you only pay for how much water you use?

a.       Yes, all the way

b.       I do if every else will

c.       I do even if no one cares

d.       No

9.      Will you vote for new laws that stop people from wasting water? For example, no washing car after 5pm, no watering garden after 7am.

a.       Yes, awesome laws

b.       Hell no

10.  Will you spend some of your time on weekends, for example 2 hrs from 9-11am, to work for free for any non-profit organizations that help people to understand why we shouldn’t waste water?

a.       I must be crazy to do that

b.       Yes I will do that

c.       I will do that for more than just on weekend

d.       No I will not