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Ministry of Defence: a comprehensive website with information on the latest Government White Paper and the level of current defence spending.

D-Notices: Provides the media with guidelines on defence and counter-terrorism issues and what needs to be protected in the interests of national security.

The Conservative and Liberal Party homepages: where you can use their search facilities to find out their current defence policies.

The Army - up to date information on current operations, policy issues and army news from the organisation that provides the manpower for the UK's defence.


CND - The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Campaigns to non-violently rid the world of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.

Stop the war coalition: Organisers of the 'Don't attack Iraq' marches in London on September 28th. Formed in September 2001 and campaigns under the sloagans: Stop the war; No to a racist backlash; Defend civil liberties.

Amnesty International: Works for the worldwide protection of human rights and is campaigning to ensure that force is used as the last resort in coming up with a new resolution on the issue of Iraq.


Janes - Widely regarded as the ultimate source for global defence, aerospace and transportation information.

International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS): An independent body committed to providing accurate and objective information on international strategic issues.

RAND - a nonprofit organisation that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and anaylsis. It has many areas of expertise including International Policy and National Security.



Institute for War and Peace Reporting: An organisation that provides extra training and funding for journalists in areas of conflict thereby providing special comment and anaylsis from those involved in the conflict.

2 KEY MANUFACTURERS: Lockheed Martin - Specialises in aerospace, defence and technology. It's sales in 2001 were $24bn. Its product portfolio ranges from Strategic Missiles to Government Satellites. BAE Systems - Produces both civilian (Airbus) and defence aircraft. One of BAE's biggest current defence contracts is the Eurofighter.

UN - The UN has four purposes: to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations; to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights; and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. It was set up in 1945 by 51 countries committed to preserving peace through international co-operation and collective security and today, its membership totals 189.

NATO - Established in 1949 NATO's essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means. It commits each member country to sharing the risks and responsibilities as well as the benefits of collective security and requires of each of them the undertaking not to enter into any other international commitment which might conflict with the Treaty.

EU - Set up after World War 2, the EU aims to develop European Integration and promote stability, peace and economic prosperity in Europe.

Archives of information and articles relating to defence issues can also be found by visiting the BBC Online website or the Guardian Online and natvigaating, via their search facility, to their archives of documents.