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A Journey to the Southwest United States
June 12 - July 2, 2004

Day 1 

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

We hope you enjoy this photo journal of our recent trip across the United States.   The journal entries for each day can be reached by the links to the left and right of this index.

The journal pages are divided in half.  The left side is a text account of the trip and the right has photographs of the sites visited.  To see a larger version of the pictures, just click on the thumbnail image.  To return to the journal page, click on your browser's "Back" button.

At the bottom of the journal pages are links to the previous and next day's pages as well as a link back to this index.

We also included links to the web pages for several of the sites we visited.  These links will open in a new web browser window.

Just a note:  The web space for this journal is hosted by free of charge.  In return the host places banners on each page and may also employ "pop-up" windows.
We have found that by disabling Java, and Java Scripts on your web browser one can prevent the "pop-ups".

Day 11

 Day 12

 Day 13

 Day 14

 Day 15

 Day 16

 Day 17

 Day 18

 Day 19

 Days 20-21