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From the Desk of Corpse_Reviver_2

Keep checking back for many controversial, yet true articals of interest. I have been silent too long. Listen to my words, and adhere to them. By doing so, you might be able to save the USA by stopping the direction it is now heading

Shit from Shine-ola

I will tell you about myself. I am older than Methuselah’s mother. I have lived in and/or traveled in nearly every country on the planet. I have fought their wars, climbed their mountains, fished their streams, played their games, hunted their forests, drank their beer, learned their lingo, enjoyed their music, and respected their religions. And left my blood splattered around some of them.

At present I’m fulfilling a life long ambition. Traveling coast-to-coast, criss crossing boarder to boarder, across the USA without ever using a surfaced road. Dirt and gravel. It will be easy when I get to the central states. It will be section roads until I get to the mountains and desert states. Then I will travel on BLM and forest and logging service roads. I will be visiting comrades of over 70 years old. Some of what I will relate to you will be from their thoughts and feelings. I have one buddy in the Pacific Northwest, a hermit, living in the wilderness, who has been writing a book since 1954. After years in the Corps, ending with Korea, he became a recluse. He, like me, does not have a computer. Nor does he have a buddy, like I do, to periodically mail my comments to post at this site. He may or may not become really pissed at me for posting his material. My disclosures may help sell his book, if it’s ever published. He says the title will be “The book of Assholes” or “Why you should be more pissed off at yourself than I am”.

I am a religious person, but do lot believe in religions. Even though, as we all know, religion is responsible for the continuity of mankind. It’s the catalyst that that kept people together. It built countries and castles.

Someone once said that if there were no God or religion, man would invent one.

Half true, man did invent his religions. God instilled the knowledge of his existence in the very first human brain he designed. He continued to implant himself in every new and improved model since. I can prove there is a God. You can to, if you learn how to use your brain. You must reach the age or understanding. When you achieve this, you will know.

I know many men who have reached and understand this acme of knowledge. I think that 97% have lived in foxholes and survived many campaigns. There are men and women who then and now are offering their lives to preserve your way of life. Your right to freedom. They are fighting for your right to be an un-American asshole.

I have determined that the only true patriotic Americans are our men and women in the service, most of our Veterans, and a bunch of civilian hunters and fishers who are staunch supporters of our constitution and bill of rights.

My comrades and buddies live world and state wide. On my tour I’ll be dropping in on my stateside buddies. Many, from all parts of the country originally, have settled in my state of California. That will be my last place to visit, after Oregon and Washington.

When recently retiring, not referring just to military, but to all my activities, I was concerned with my final base camp. It could not be California. It was inevitable that you stupid greedy mother fuckers from east of the Mississippi and you poor dumb lazy dip shits from the South East and up through the Central states would destroy the West. Most of the South easterners left because the free land was too much work. Or they just became thieves. Those of the North East and South, that stayed, were hard workers and builders.

Now I will tell you about you. My hermit buddy is right. You people are dumb to the point of stupidity. He and I aren’t the only ones to know this. The Auto industry knew you were too fucking dumb to know that 55 comes between 50 and 60, so they had to mark or print 55 on the speedometer. When the speed limit was set at 55. The people you pay your bills too know that you do not have an inkling where the stamp goes. So they, on the return envelope, have to print Affix stamp here. Postal Office will not deliver without postage etc., etc., etc. Your government thinks you’re too irresponsible to drive. That’s why you have to pay extra for airbags. SO you can safely run around smashing into each other. Because you are blind, you have to pay for an extra taillight in the rear window. The list goes on.

Most Democrats and a few, though very few, Republicans think you are so ignorant and misinformed that you don’t know the difference between right and wrong, good or bad. They can hand you a bucket of shit and you think it a bouquet or roses. And they are right.

Let’s talk politics. I see by the bumper stickers and yard signs that there’s a bunch of self-serving, un-American traitors running around that are going to the polls. You poor, simple, mental cripples are actually going to vote.

I will tell you right now. A vote for Kerry and Edwards is a vote for the demise of America. These stupid, conniving, chicken shit, mother fuckers will sell my country down the river. And will send you, my patriotic Americans, whom I love and fought for, up shit creek without a paddle. They will sell out the first chance they get.

If this were the 1950’s, they, along with their cohorts the Clintons, Gore, Mondale, etc, etc, would be on a commie witch-hunt.

Canadians will not admit this in public, but many have told me that they are running scared. They know that if Kerry and Edwards get in, we go down, and the Canadians go down with us.

Where do the Democrats dig up these weak lowlifes? We’re dealing with gutless fuck ups. They think politics is a game and they are using you and your country for chips.

A while before the wall fell, I was handed a list of known commies. One name on that list stood out. A Pete Mondale. If he is a relative, why was he overlooked when the skeleton doors were opened? This one, I understand, was teaching Political Science in a southern university.

The Navy was going to court marshal JFK for loosing his boat and unnecessarily putting his men in harm’s way. Crime money and women brought him out of that situation and brought him a silver star. He cheapened and degraded that medal. The same put him in office.

Women invented prohibition. Prior to that there no big major crime syndicate. It was also responsible for the growth and prosperity of the Wineries in California.

Remember the Bay of Pigs? JFK was asked for air support and he refused. He was responsible for murder and imprisonment. What the fuck did he think Monroe was talking about in his doctrine?

I’m not a party man. I’m an American.

Next time I will tell you why there are so many Democrats. A non-governing force.

A letter I wrote to the NRA. Which, by the way, I am a member of.

We have one very big, very serious multi-faceted problem here. We will lose our rights if something isn’t done.

We have fought this issue twice. This is an example of the unknowledgeable, misled, and brainwashed, going to the polls.

The anti-gun and animal rights activists are one in the same. They each crave the other’s success. A gain for one is a gain for all.

The first are very dangerous as they are un-American and refuse to be responsible for their apathy and lack of patriotism. This in turn has resulted in the undisciplined conduct displayed by some of our children and young adults.

The latter are the above and more. We do not associate with them, however we do tell the responsible true American what these people are.

From the anti gunners to the animal rights activists, we are dealing with stagnant uneducated minds. Every statement, argument, or slogan used to further strengthen their cause is nothing more than insensible, incompetent clichés. Not even worthy of bar room conversation.

These are people to be reckoned with. These people are what the old joke of “Cop shoots man dead to prevent him from commiting suicide” is. They will kill or maim both domestic animals and wildlife to strengthen their position, and destroy property to make known their existence. This must be deal with as a subversive action.

Remember! They can only recruit the weak and uninformed. This includes the Lawyers and Judges who allow a cup of coffee to get past a door knock. Lobbyists and Politicians are bought and/or swayed.

The NRA has an important documentary I would not have been aware of had I not been up at 0200 scanning the TV one morning. There are many scenarios for putting our children and adults on track. But not at 0200 on a Sports channel.

Hunters, Fisherman, and Shooters should be aware. We must educate the non-hunters, fisherman, and shooters. These are the weakest. They don’t, so why should anyone else

They must be taught that the Department of Fish and Wildlife are the experts on the planet’s survival. They alone, with their controlled hunting, fishing and relocation programs, are saving our heritage from extinction.

We must put out information to the people that don’t give a damn. They must know the consequence of their disinterest and side choosing. These people and the Neo Nazis should all be registered. Just like McCarthy’s commies. I know what should be done, but because we are Americans, we won’t.

These people are not Americans. They did not grow up in a wholesome American family atmosphere. Their best qualities are ignorance and stupidity. They do not know that an attack on America is an attack on the world.

We are a nation of nations. If this were not true, I would not be here. I am a first generation Dane with a 9th grade education, which immediately tells you I’m a down to earth type of guy. We down to earth guys and gals have conviction and beliefs. Two or which are “God and Country”. I told the Govenor and State Attorney General “I want to see the Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments hanging side by side in every courtroom and school room” No response. Their worst qualities are the lack of originality and imagination. They are small, ridiculous Benedicts with no substance.

Paul Watson was daydreaming while training. The US Government did not teach him a thing.

If he was military, he learned terminology describing effects and casualties on civilian personnel as the result of bombing. He apparently wants us to think he was an important factor. Was he rounding up all the dogs, cats, goats, etc., prior to the bombings?

If he was a Captain in the Peace Corps, he was probably building sheds in Africa for storing arms and munitions. Or one of his workers leaving a Native in childbirth unattended because she wasn’t trained. Then returning later to the Native rocking back and forth on the side of the road with a dead baby in her arms.

Wayne Pacelle and his cohorts across the nation don’t know a Pit Bull from an Akita. He and his organizations put down animals because they lack knowledge and ambition. He is not one of us individuals that protect our wildlife. For a stupid son of a bitch (I retract that) he is not worthy of being the offspring of a fine K9. He’s right; our animals do need protection, from him and his untrained retards.

Jim Mason will crawl and cower like the rest when confronted with realism. I want him in my grasp. I will show him culture. Many, of their rank and file, are deserters. Men back from Canada with Canadian money and education, quietly slipping into the mainstream, undermining our country and lifestyle, while living free in a country that forgave them.

Listen closely to what these people have to say. You will find even the phrase “animal rights” is lost because there is no meaning for it. You want hit and expose them for what they are.

Pure unadulterated bullshit in the field. A phrase I coined in 1950 Korea. Only to be cleaned up by the Officer and Gentleman Gen. Schwartscoff in 1991 Desert Storm.

If the animal and gun radicals had their way, domestic and wildlife would cease to exist. Man would start diminishing in size, the seas would die, and this would be fast. Calcium and protein to supplement our diet will come from sea life. Farming will fall off, and people of the sea, forestry, wildlife, leather, meat, dairy, etc, related industry will flood the cities and towns until they are joined.

Under the animal rights act the rats and the cats will be going to the polls, until the cats eat their food supply and die.

Now is the good part. The very first people to be converted to “Soylent Green” will be the vegetarians. They don’t eat meat anyway, so we get to eat them first.

So how do you like them apples, Captain Paul Watson?

This site last updated September 28th, 2007

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