Collection of Poems

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*Words of Love*

Dyana: how shall i wake thee?
MichaelD: how do you wish to wake me my sweet love?
Dyana: I wish to wake thee with my lips, which are as soft as the pedals on a rose.
MichaelD: I am sure that they are, as I am sure that I love you with all my heart and soul.
Dyana: well my heart overflowth with love for thee my sweet hero.
MichaelD: passion has no name like thou give it, love is but a mear glimer of my feeling for you, does thou have any hint of how my feelings are
MichaelD: and why blush my sweet beautiful angel for it is written in the book of destiny that our souls be reunited with each other and say together for ever
Dyana: has thou plucketh my heart as the minstral plucketh his harp
Dyana: are you my Romeo?
MichaelD: and thou has taken my heart from the flames of hell and brought them up to the gates of heaven with just a slight sign of the affection that she has been gracious enough to bestow upon me
Dyana: the one which I bare my soul to
MichaelD: I want to be your Romeo if you will be my Juliet
Dyana: the Romeo,who I shall giveth my love too,giveth my sweet life
MichaelD: I shall give my life to give my love to you my sweet Juliet for the love that I have for thou exceeds all limits or boundries of time
MichaelD: The heavens hold no greater treasure than just one kiss of your sweet lips, one touch or your beautiful face, one second of your unforgettable love Dyana: no boundries shall hold us apart,nor time shall withhold our hearts desire
MichaelD: My heartaches without your touch, it is filled with sorrow when it is without your love, when we are apart there is pain in my heart, for you are all that I have ever wanted
Dyana: like the stars in the heavens,our love shall endure and last thru eternity
MichaelD: eternity can not describe how long our love shall last for there is no time that can describe the strength of our love, the passion in our hearts

~One True Love~

As I look at the sky at night
I smile in sheer delight
You are my One True Love
Sent from heaven above
Our kindred spirits have risen out of the flames
For true love they take aim
I give you my heart, my soul and my love
I know you are my angel from above
You have been sent to watch over me
Now that you are here, our love shall be
Our love has become so strong
There is nothing that can make it go wrong
Look into my eyes
There I can't disquise
This is how I feel
My love for you is real
I know you are my One True Love
Sent from heaven above
This is for you Diana my sweet beautiful angel,
I just want you to know that I do love you with all my heart
Love Always,... Michael

©Darkraven 1998

"My Heart"

My heart surrenders to your love,
you're my angel from above,
take my hand can come with me,
forever we shall always be.

I bow down to you, for i've never had a clue,
the love that you give, now my heart shall live,
my heart's wall has crumbled down,
I no longer walk with a frown.

You are the light that shines through,
I can't imagine life without you,
a long journey we still must make,
but my love for you I never fake.

©Darkraven 1998

©Paul Oakenfold "Transmission"

©303 Infinity "Missing Shadow"