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The proof of the Collatz Problem

The proof : by collatz function

             an/2,   if an=0  (mod 2)


           3an+1,  if an=1  (mod 2)

The first step in my proof is compress the multi-function in one formula

an+1=(22*s-1+s)*an+s   , an=s (mod 2)

The second step is generated the function

an+1=(22*s1-1+s1)*an+s1   , an=s1 (mod 2)

an+1=(22*s1-1+s1)*an+s1)*(22*s2-1+s2)+s2   ,an=s2(mod 2) …

We can find a general formula for this expression:


The third step is practiced the Collatz problem

Then By My Formula

  and   we omit it because an dosen’t equal zero

And  22*s(j-i)-1 doesn’t equal zero.


The forth step we suppose that at  ,an+1=1 if it holds an+1 at any number less than * 

The fifth step is analysed

an=1 and =1 it will be omit because sj-i=0 either or 1 only

an=2 and =1/2  ,sj-i=0 then an=2 and it is right

But is 1=?




And by Terras (1976, 1979) function


                                                         tn/2         if  tn=0 (mod 2)


                                                                        (3tn+1)/2   if   tn=1 (mod 2)

We find that for all 1 step by 3tn+1 there is two steps by divide on 2 then (1/3)j=

And we find that 1/3j<1/2jà 1/3<1/2



then  and Collatz conjecture be right.