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The Prince

The reader will note the similarity to Chapter 1 of the Gospel of Matthew. However the source of this information is a chart published in 1923. First Published in 1902 by The Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd., London, England The Illustrious Lineage of the ROYAL HOUSE OF BRITAIN

JUDAH begat Phares,

Phares begat Esrom,

Esrom begat Aram,

Aram begat Aminadab,

Aminadab begat Nashon,

Nashon begat Salmon,

Salmon begat Boaz,

Boaz begat Obed,

Obed begat Jesse,

Jesse begat DAVID,


SOLOMON begat Rehoboam,

Rehboam begat Abijah,

Abijah begat Asa,

Asa begat Jehosaphat,

Jehosaphat begat Jehoram,

Jehoram begat Ahaziah,

Ahaziah begat Joash,

Joash begat Amaziah,

Amaziah begat Uzziah,

Uzziah begat Jotham,

Jotham begat Ahaz,

Ahaz begat Hezekiah,

Hezekiah begat Manasseh,

Manasseh begat Amon,

Amon begat Josiah,

Josiah begat ZEDEKIAH, (Blinded & Captive in Babylon, who was released)

ZEDEKIAH begat TEA TEPHI, (Ancestor of Irish & Scottish Kings)

TEA TEPHI begat Ugaine the Great,

Ugaine the Great begat Argus the Prolific,

Argus the Prolific begat Ferchard,

Ferchard begat Fergus I,

Fergus I begat Maine,

Maine begat Dornadil,

Dornadil begat Reuther,

Reuther begat Eders,

Eders begat Conaire the Great,

Conaire the Great begat Corbred I,

Corbred I begat Corbred II,

Corbred II begat Modha Lamha,

Modha Lamha begat Saraid Conaire II,

Saraid Conaire II begat Corbred Dalriada,

Corbred Dalraida begat Eochaidh,

Eochaidh begat Athirco,

Athirco begat Findachar,

Findachar begat Thrinklind,

Thrinklind begat Fincormach,

Fincormach begat Romaich,

Romaich begat Angus,

Angua begat Eochaidh,

Eochaidh begat Erch,

Erch begat Fergus the Great,

Fergus the Great begat Dongard,

Dongard begat Govran,

Govran begat Aydan,

Aydan begat Eugene,

Eugene begat Donald,

Donald begat Ethach,

Ethach begat Ethdre,

Ethdre begat Ethafind,

Ethafind begat Ethas,

Ethas begat Alpin,

Alpin begat Kenneth,

Kenneth begat Constantine,

Constantine begat Donald IV,

Donald IV begat Malcolm,

Malcolm begat Kenneth II,

Kenneth II begat Malcolm II,

Malcolm II begat Beatrix,

Beatrix begat Duncan,

Duncan begat Malcolm,

Malcolm begat David,

David begat Henry,

Henry begat David,

David begat Isobel,

Isobel begat Robert,

Robert begat Robert,

Robert begat Robert the Bruce,

Robert the Bruce begat Marjory,

Marjory begat Robert II,

Robert II begat Robert III,

Robert III begat James I,

James I begat James II,

James II begat James III,

James III begat James IV,

James IV begat James V,

James V begat Mary Queen of Scotts,

Mary Queen of Scotts begat James VI,

James VI begat Elizabeth,

Elizabeth begat Sophia,

Sophia begat George I,

George I begat George II,

George II begat Fredrick Prince of Wales,

Fredrick Prince of Wales begat George III,

George III begat Queen Victoria,

Queen Victoria begat King Edward VII,

King Edward VII begat King George V,

King George V begat King George VI,

King George VI begat Queen Elizabeth II,

Queen Elizabeth II begat Prince Charles of Wales

There have been Five Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire named Charles beginning with Charlemagne. Prince Charles will be Charles VIII. He is of the Hapsburg Line. The last Charles of the Hapsburg line is Charles VII. Prince Charles will be the 8th. He is of the line where the last Charles was the 7th.

Revelation 17:9-11

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

Onomastics is the study of Names. Charles means "man".

Revelation 13:18

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Isreali tv channel 2 has broadcast two documentaries to the jewish people, both showing them the above official lineage chart that was drawn up for Queen victoria,

They are bieng told from such a official source as the British Royal famile, that today in the 21 st centuray there is  is an official Son of David, a claim no Jew alive can claim.

The messiah has to be a Son of David.

Prince charles isnt meant to be Jewish, yet as a child he was circumcised by the chief Mohel to the British Jews, The Late. Rabbi Isaac Snowman.

The act of circumcision is a sacred entry into the orthadox jewish faith, and isnt held lightly, especially by Chief Mohels.

Ofcourse all this is utterlly false but seems to being used to promote the idea that Prince Charles is  a Son Of David.

The messiah has to be a Son of David.

And indeed was but the Jews will be confronted with the false one

sadly .

 Yet as St paul said speaking by The Blessed Holy Spirit

"All Isreal Shall Be Saved."

They will turn to the one whom they pierced

and mourn for him as one would mourn for an only Son.

Jesus Christ The Lamb of God