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I finally did it. I have my own domain >_<\
If you are on this page at please go to
I will no longer be updating this location as of 08/20/03.

, things are pretty busy for me again! My return to Japan fast approaches, and I'm busy studying everyday so that I don't have to repeat too much at The Yamasa Institute.
Speaking of Yamasa (a great language school in Japan), I have posted a page detailing costs of tuition and living if anyone is interested in attending. You can take a look at it here.

If anyone has any ideas on getting loans for overseas education, please let me know! LOL ~_^\
Yamasa is pretty cheap considering you get your own apartment in Japan, and between 6 and 8 hours of high quality education 5 days a week. It really is a great school!

I'll be teaching "Conversational English" on weekends while I am in Japan (Okazaki/Nagoya area). So,  that will give me some extra cash. Besides studying and teaching, I hope this time I can see a bit more of the country while I'm there. ^_^ So far I've just been to Tokyo (my second favorite city next to Washington, D.C.), Nagoya, Toyohashi, Anjo, and Gifu. I'm not counting the many stops I made on the way from Tokyo to Okazaki (Yamasa's location) to check the map and get on the next train. If I didn't leave the station, it doesn't count! ^_^\
Anyway, if you'd like to see pictures of our exploits head over to my friend Stephen's website.

I always welcome anyone's comments and feedback. So please feel free to write me anytime. Oh, by the way, even though I've lived in Japan for three months,  and have Japanese pretty much anywhere I can fit it, I am by no means fluent in Japanese. So, if you do write me, try to write as much as you can in English. Click here to send me an e-mail.