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Event 3
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Event 3: Dance party at Asian Cultural Center

-----Original Message-----

From: Andy Dai []

Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 10:21 PM


Subject: [Entrepreneur] an Insightful Seminar plus Movie Playing/Dancing

Party at Asian Culture Center, Friday, 7pm - 12midnight, 7/11/2003


Please Mark Your Calendar on Friday, July 11, 2003 to Join us for a

Truly Insightful Seminar (by two great speakers) and Dancing Party at

Asian Culture Center, NYC, Friday, 7pm - 12midnight, 7/11/2003



1. Seminar on China's Prospect and Overseas Chinese Professionals'

Roles in China's Growth into 21th Century

2. New Chinese Movie:

English Name -- Color of the Truth; Chinese Name -- Hei (black) Bai

(white) Forest (Shen Ling)

3. Dancing Party

(2 & 3 are held concurrently.)

Seminar: (Speech in Chinese)

Keynote Speaker:

(former) Professor Zhongwu Gong, Ph.D. from Harvard University

VIP Guest/Speaker: (to be confirmed)

Economic and Commercial Counselor Zhanling Yuan, Consulate General of

P.R. China to New York

Time: Friday, 7pm -- 12 midnight, July 12, 2003

Location: 15 E 40th St, 2nd Floor, Asian Culture Center, New York, NY


(on 40th Street between 5th Ave and Madison Avenue in Manhattan)

Admission Fees to Members in co-organizing or co-sponsoring


(You may join some of the organizations for free membership on the spot

to enjoy the member benefit immediately):

With Pre-registration: $8 per professional, $5 per student with valid

student ID.

Without Pre-registration: Extra $5 dollar per person.

Drinks & Light Refreshments are provided. See below for payment



STAGE ZERO: 6:45pm -- 7:15pm

Registration and Social Networking

STAGE ONE: 7:15 -- 8:45pm

1. VIP speech by Counselor Zhanling Yuan

2. Dr. Zhongwu Gong's keynote speech

3. Q&A

STAGE TWO: Entertainments (drinks & light refreshments are provided)

8:45pm -- 12midnight:

1. Dancing -- with variety of gracious music available;

2. Social Networking -- with Speakers and Counselor/Consuls and among

our large member pool including professionals and students;

3. DVD Watching -- play original DVD <<Color of the Truth>> (Hei Bai

Forest). This is a new movie that receives extensive acclaims as a

pioneer. (If you would like us to play any particular movies or have

popular DVDs to recommend, please inform us and we will try our best to

honor your requests.)

4. Others -- you are welcome to be creative on entertainment. We will

provide cards and you can bring chess or play other games and find

partners there to play with you.

ATTN: There are two separate halls on 2nd floor (one hall for dancing,

the other for movie playing and other fun events). So you can enjoy two

or more categories of simultaneous fun activities.


Speaker/Speech Background:

1. Dr./Professor Gong is an extremely famous historian, prolific writer

with many books/articles and genuine scholar with profound knowledge in

China Affairs, US-China relations, Taiwan Issues and China's Prospect

well into the 21st Century.

Professor Gong holds a Ph.D. in History from Harvard Unviersity,

specialized in China Recent Dynasty (Zhong Guo Jin Dai Shi). His

advisor was the world-renowned Harvard Professor Fei Zhen-Qin (Chinese

name) who founded Harvard East-Asian Institute. Dr. Gong has a fabulous

scholastic record of excellence and has been a famous scholar with

abundance of publications in English and Chinese as well. Dr. Gong was

originally from Mainland China, grew up in Taiwan, graduated from the

best university in Taiwan, Taiwan University, and went to its Graduate

School before he came to the US to pursue his Ph.D. at Harvard


Dr. Gong has worked as a professor (faculty member) in Boston College

and in the United Nations as well. He is frequently invited to China

and teach/lecture at various famous institutions (including best

universities in Bejing and Chinese Social Academy of Sciences). He is

widely acclaimed as an expert in China affairs and showed deep knowledge

and unique insights through his years of publications and speeches on

China's Prospects.

An outstanding scholar as he is, he is also a hard-to-find, eloquent

speaker, profound and exciting and full of thoughtful ideas and

perspectives that communicate with audiences to your heart's content.

His in-depth speech covers a wide span of China's history and present

and future, with vivid facts and particular focus on the promising roles

our new/young overseas Chinese and new generation could play in the 21st

Century during China's steady growth into a powerful and rich country in

the world. Dr. Gong speaks at various seminars hosted by various

professional organizations in both American and Chinese community. His

speech is widely acclaimed as insightful and to-the-point with

experience and knowledge that benefit audience impressively. Listening

to his speech, you will find in him a genuine scholar and think-tanker

chatting with you with fruiful creative ideas, unusually insightful

viewpoints and convincing stories and facts. It confirms a famous

Chinese old saying --- A conversation with a genuine gentleman will

surpass 10 years of reading.

Dr. Gong has also been reputed for essays and proses besides his

academic writings. He published a few months ago a lengthy, convincing

essay in Qiao Bao (Chinapress) on Chongqing City as a summary of his

recent trip. We will copy (under his permission) and distribute his

splendid articles during the seminars for you to enjoy Dr. Gong's

elegant writing style.

Dr. Gong has been extremely busy with many research programs and we are

so honored that Dr. Gong could accept our invitation to deliver us a

speech and share his invaluable knowledge and insights with us on our

young generation's roles in revitalizing China. Please do not miss this

once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity to gain knowledge, learn experiences,

obtain insights and enhance maturity by spending an evening with Dr.



2. (Speaker to be confirmed) Counselor Yuan joined Consulate General of

P.R. China to NY in March 2003 as the new Econmic and Commercial

Counselor succeeding former Counselor Weiwen He. CAPS, together with

many organizations, jointly hosted a welcome party for him on March 21,

2003, the first welcome party among all Chinese American professional

organizations in greater NY. While all of us have benefited a lot from

former Counselor He for his remarkable speeches to our members in NY and

Philly, we are so honored that Counselor Yuan could speak to us now to

share his great insights with us on our overseas Chinese's roles in

China's consistent growth as well as on Haigui's prospects and

contributions to and in China.

Coming from Ministry of Commerce (formerly Ministry of Foreign Economics

and Trade), Counselor Yuan has been an extremely experienced business

and trade expert as well as a mature diplomat with decades of abundant

experience in various major businesses and trades with connections to

foreign businesses and governments. During the past years in the North

America when he served in Chinese Consulate and/or Ambassy, Counselor

Yuan has accumlated first-hand, timely experiences (that few could

match) in witnessing the world economic cycle in North America.

Counselor Yuan is a reputed expert in business and commerce as well as

in finance and WTO issues. He has frequently been asked to deliver

public speeches in various business and government meetings in US

mainstream community.

Counselor Yuan's speech will bring to audience tremendous landscape and

horizon with full of wits and wisdom that will be truly rewarding to

aspiring listeners who are eager and ambitious in participating China's

great expectations in the 21st Century.



1. Payment can be made prior to the event online at

2. Payments made at the door must be cash or check.

3. Additional $5 surcharge over each person not being members to any of

the below organizations or not pre-registered.

Two Methods of Registration:

1. RSVP with your NAME, EMAIL ADDRERSS and PHONE NUMBER to either of


following people

Robert Xiong

Andy Dai

Roy Zhou

before Thursday, 6pm, July 11, 2003.

2. Online registration is available at very


Room Capacity: Maximum accommodations are around 200.

Registration is on a first-come, first-reserved basis.


Welcome to bring your friends to join us, discuss, network and have fun!

Co-hosting organizations:

Chinese Association of Professionals and Students (CAPS) -- Chairman

Andy Dai, Presidents Roy Zhou

US-China Business Center (UBC) -- President Charley Gao

Association of Chinese Students & Scholars at Greater New York (ACSSNY)

-- Chairman Roy Zhou

Entrepreneurs Society (CAST) -- President Fei Xiong

New Jersey Chinese Computer Chinese Professionals Society (NJCCPS) --

President Eric Wei

Association of Chinese Computer Professionals (ACCP -- Philadelphia

Chapter(, New York Chapter(, Chicago

Chapter( -- Vice Chairman James Mu

NYU Chinese Culture Center(NYU-CCC)/New York University Chinese Students

& Scholars Association -- President Yan Xiao

Mount Sinai Medical School Chinese Students and Scholars Association --

President Jianli Gong

Chinese Young Professionals Association (CYPA) -- President Randy Bao

Chinese American Association of Information Technology (CAAIT) --

President Byron Yu

Association of American Chinese Professionals (AACP) -- President Kesan


Chinese Motion Picture Association, USA (CMPA) -- Chairman Leon Xiao

Zhejiang Professionals Association in North America (ZPANA)

US Nanjing Friendship Association (NFA-USA) -- President Andy Dai

Chinese American Culture Salon (CACS) -- President Yugang Liu

Open to others -- welcome to join us.

Registration and Contacts:

Fei Xiong 917-690-0031

Andy Dai 646-436-6903

Roy Zhou 212-655-9234