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Our Battle With Endometrial Cancer Archives

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UPDATE FRI. MAY 7/04 - Met with Dr. Fyles today and everything is great this time. He said he actually had to look to find the spots on the CT Scan and that they had shrunk again. This was certainly news that made our day! The pills are doing their job and he wants to see me again in November and have a Scan at that time. Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there. Enjoy the day, I know I will.

UPDATE FRI. JAN. 23/04 - Met with Dr. Fyles today and everything seems fine this time around. No CT Scan was done but he is happy the way things are going. I feel good and have gained more weight. Next CT Scan scheduled for the end of April with follow up May 7th. I am now back to work 15 hrs./week. It feels good to be back. I sure get tired easy, but that's because my brain is working again??????

UPDATE FRI. OCT. 10 - Finally some good news! The CT Scan showed that the existing spots are still there (pubic bone area no change) but the one spot showed modest reduction. Just the news we needed. The Provera seems to be working so I will continue on these. John and Michelle just have to put up with the mood swings, they're pretty tough so they can put me in my place. Follow-up appointment is scheduled for 3 months. According to the scales at the Dr's office I've gained 14 lbs. since my last appointment. I am now "pear shaped" but who cares, I feel good and I get to go shopping..........

TUES. JULY 8 - Well they pulled the wool over my eyes this time. My aunt & uncle Steve and Marlene had a family get together this past Sunday in my honour. I was totally surprised. I'm usually pretty good at figuring these things out. I thought maybe it was our 10th Wedding Anniversary or my 40th Birthday but they were ?? years ago. Anyway, it was a great afternoon with lots to eat, a special cake and even presents!! Thanks to everyone again for all your love and support. A very special thank you to the hosts Marlene and Steve. Pictures of the day will be in the photo gallery shortly.<

UPDATE: THURS. JUNE 19 - met with Dr. Fyles on Tuesday. There are 3 "lessions" on the pubic bone that he is 99% sure are cancerous. He has prescribed a hormone that is known to work very well to stop it from spreading. No major side effects to worry about other than a 5% chance of blood clots and probable weight gain (which I'm up for). If you see "Saskquatch" on the loose it just means that the hormone drug is working overtime on my hair growth. It's certainly not the news that we wanted to hear but we're keeping a positive attitude.

UPDATE: THURS. APR. 17 - Met with Dr. Fyles (Radiation Oncologist) today at Princess Marg. One area of concern on the original scan from November compared to the scan from March has decreased a little but is still there. He wants to compare with a new scan since my last chemo treatment to see if it decreased even more. More waiting, but I guess the news isn't that bad.

TUES. APRIL 1st - Happy April Fools everyone. I guess the snow was no joke. Anyway I made it through the weekend without a visit to the local hospital Yeah!! Touch wood I'm over the worst of it. I've been living on anti nausea drugs this time so I guess they helped. Remember April is Cancer Month so wear your favorite head covering for a day or for those brave enough, shave those heads!!!

WED. MAR. 26th - Well yesterday marked the final treatment. YAHOO0000!!! I'm sure you heard me from Toronto. As you can see by the pictures I had my support team with me (John's on the other side of the camera). Michelle helped me ring the bell, but we couldn't ring it off the wall. We had a nice dinner out to celebrate. (by the way I now weigh a whopping 102 lbs). For me this is great news. We also met with the Radiation Oncologist about last weeks CT Scan. He said there were a couple of areas that he wanted to compare with the scan I had last November. Once he compares them then we will determine the Radiation Treatment. One spot in the pelvic area looks like a small cyst caused by some clamps used in the surgery?? The other area (upper abdomen) there is a small 1 cm. spot. Once he compares the scans he will know if these were there originally and how effective the chemo has been. We have another appointment April 10 to get the results. We will keep you posted.

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