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This Hour, This Day, This Month, This Year


There is absolutely no way that I could have done this website entirely by myself.
It would be impossible! I know a little bit of html, but for the most part, all I know is Kiwi html.
(Wondering what that is? Go to Say Cheryl2142 referred you!) My sis, Kelley,
helped me with the html. I might have been a *little* impatient every once in a while
::grins::, but she still helped me. So, many thanks go to her!

If you go to read my journal. You will notice that it is handwritten entries. I think
that is a totally awesome idea, and I got it from meggiesue14 (kiwibox screenname).
She's brilliant! : D I think it adds personality and makes it more personal.

The website design and title are by me. I can't remember where I got the purple sidebar
from, but as soon as I figure it out, I'll put the link up here.

Hmmm... is there anyone I'm forgetting? Well, if there is, I will post it later, bye!