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Chelsy at 14 months old!

Chelsy is now 14 months old! These photos were takin by a digital camera, so some arnt the best!! But you will get to see more photos of Chelsy now!! :-D (BIG thanks to her nanny and poppy xxoo)

Hope you like them :)

Chelsy's big smile!! 16/02/03

*rolls eyes*

Chelsy and her poppy! xxoo

Update on Chelsy!

Chelsy is just over 14 months old, she is growing quickly and not a baby anymore... She walks,runs,crawls,jumps,climbs and talks lots, in baby talk! She is very active and loves to be outside playing, walking and looking at animals!

She recently had the chicken pox but only had a mild case of it and it cleared up pretty quickly. She has now got 4 top and bottom teeth and 1 tooth on each top side, plus more comming through.

Her new words are bugger, pop, baby, pup, birdy. She blows kisses, does round and round the garden on your hand and this lil piggy went to market.

Thats all for the moment, she is getting smarter every day,So we will keep you updated! :)