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The Prophetic Imagination

"Every totalitarian regime is frightened of the artist. It is the vocation of the prophet to keep alive the ministry of imagination, to keep on conjuring and proposing alternative futures to the single one the king wants to urge as the only thinkable one." - Walter Bruggeman

A Personal Chasm

This is my personal canvas. A painted dark room of meladramatic verse induced by trauma. It is the revelations carved out in roses that have grown from well-manured ground.

I don’t believe in all the boundaries I have been given. If you continue on this journey, you will find out why. So are you ready to face the Chasm? Are you ready to question everything you believe in just to find out what isn’t as negotiable as it once was? Are you ready to discover things that expand your world so far, that you would do anything to be closed in quiet close quarters once again? The conspiracies and controversies are mind bending and the delicate imagination that conjured them up through truth is but a fragile machine composed of gears that never rest. Are you truly ready for this journey?

Pardon The Mess of the site...I am still working on it! More to come, oh yes, including my personal artwork and much more!! Visit often, I am constantly ranting and raving or writing obnoctious entries in my journal!

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This has been a production of soulsanction and is a personal statement and expression made possible by the constitution of the U.S. Government under the guidelines of the fifth ammendment which may at any time be ammended to take away that right. We would like to thank all of you who support free speech, however on a larger scale we would like to thank all of you who support humanity in all of its forms. -soulsanction

All Works here are (c) 2003 by soulsanction with the exception of various works of arts that were lamely stolen from the inner dimensions of cyberspace and infringement upon these rights is persecutable by law. Thank you for your respect.

*NOTE: if you have stumbled upon your artwork, consider it now that i am seeking permissions to continue using your work. If you don't allow me to use it first i will take it off ass requested, then i will give you a special no thanks for being an ignorant and arogant non humane dickhead. If you do let me sue it, then send me a (c) date and your name, what the hell, a link if you wish and you will recieve proper credit and a huge special thanks goes out to you for making my world a little brighter with less hassle.