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Chariot of God's Love Ministries®

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Chariot of God's Love Ministries®
Christian Outreach Foundation
This is what God requires of me...

This site last updated:
Thursday, October 21, 2004

We are so thankful to be here.

Any comments or questions email:

1.Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all thingsto enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
1 Timothy 6: 17-19

2."Open your mouth judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:9

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I would like to share with all of you my poem that the Holy Spirit inspired me to write and is being published in book and on sound. Praise the Lord that He recieves the attention and recognition.

Our Truest Need

The world is missing out on something
Very special indeed,
The one I know is very close
And wants to see us suceed.
He knows us better than our closest friend
And what we feel inside;
If only that we'll come to Him
And let Him with us abide.
So if you read this and understand
We have a friend each day,
That we can talk to with our needs
If only to Him will pray !
Rev. Rusty Plante
Copyright © 2002

Dear Friends,

We are so glad to be able to meet you. We have the desire to share with you all that we do in the work of our Lord.

We have news: Chariot of God's Love Christian Outreach Foundation is incorporated in Oklahoma as a non-profit organization. Our 501(c)3 is under the Banner of World Bible Way Fellowship.

This Ministry is to follow the admonition found in The Holy Bible at Acts 14:21+22 and Matthew 28:19+20; to share the Good News of God's Kingdom of Jesus Christ as the only hope for mankind. To teach others to observe ALL that Christ has commanded us to do.

Chariot Of God's Love recieved it's own Church Charter #08573 via World Christianship Ministries. We make house calls. We will come and pray with you and for you. We believe it is the responsibility of every Christian to follow the example set by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We believe that all who call upon the name of our Lord should be teaching others to do the same. We also operate a full time Internet Ministry. Chariot of God's Love meets the spiritual needs of the poor and needy. (Prov.31:9)

Christian Outreachcmeets the physical needs through other ministries by collecting what you no longer need to give to someone who needs it. We receive free we give free. This redistribution process is for all who may be in need.We receive and distribute food to ministries in over 7 counties in the Tulsa vacinity.

Note to the PUBLIC: We have volunteers who come to help with the bread organization and distribution.

Someplace Special Ministries and Chariot of God's Love Ministries (which has been under the direction of the Plante's) has been incorporated together under one full name and is NOW Chariot of God's Love Christian Outreach Foundation

Chariot of God's Love Christian Outreach Foundation & J & G Ministries are indeed two seperate entities working together in one office. Guy Parsons founded J&G Ministries in 1995. Chariot of God's Love Christian Outreach Foundation has been and continues to be under the direction of it's founders: Richard and Rev Dr Ruth Plante. These do all the same things and more we have made it simple for everyone by coming under the name of Christian Outreach.

We believe:
Not all the needy are poor NOR are all the poor needy! September 11th showed us that anyone could be in need at any time. We are preparing now to help you before the need arises.

We are now:
Chariot of God's Love Christian Outreach Foundation Are working hard to network with as many Churches and Ministries that are willing to share in this great work. Please share this information with as many as you see fit. To see how you can help please visit this site:
Letter From The Director

We know He is coming quickly and that we should all be found busy in the work of the Lord. Our prayer is that He may find us doing so when He comes to take us home. Until then may there always be an equalizing (2 Corinthians 8: 13-15) so that none does without and may God bless the work He has put before us.

Thank you and God bless you, Your fellow Servant in Christ; Rev. Dr. Ruth P. Plante Director Chariot of God's Love Christian Outreach Foundation
707 S. 59th West Ave.
Tulsa,OK 74127

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