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Febuary 9, 2oo3: Currently listening to: Dave Matthews - Crash Into Me
Wow...It's been a real long time...Everything has changed...First off, I'm bisexual (Ha ha, Booger-burger says I need to choose one sex or the other - she's a lezbo). These past few months I've had problems with depression and self-abuse, which I'll probably have scars from. Mom's taking me to a psychologist. I gave up French so I could have a lunch. I sorta miss it, though TT; But if I hadn't given it up, I wouldn't of met Laurie! She's my girlfriend, and I love her so much....We started going out on Dec. 20, so it's been about 1 1/2 months. And we just kissed for the first time last night! It was the last song - the one I'm listening to now - God, how I had wanted her to kiss me. And she did! When it happened, I thought I had died and gone to Heaven. It was so gloriously wonderful! It was completely different from kissing a guy. We kissed a few times, then she whispered in my ear, "I love you." And of course, I whispered back, "I love you, too." And I mean it. I do love her so much. Mom hates it...but she's getting better.
Oh yeah, I might have to go to the gyno. Grr. My physician says that I may have a hormonal imbalance or some ovarian problem. Yes, I know you just love reading about these sort of things. God, I hope I don't have to have a pap test ;-; It just seems so ugly and awkward. Well, I have to go now. Maybe I'll type up some of my rl journal (and of course editing some stuff..).

September 14, 2oo2: Currently listening to: New Found Glory - Forget My Name
Holy crap has it been a long time. Another school year. Hooray, hooray. I don't have a lunch this year, but I'm learning to fight the hunger pains. It's really not as bad as I thought it would be. Orchestra is really easy. We're playing this one song that we have to strum our instruments like a guitar. Hell, we did that back in elementary school. Oh well, "The Big O" is in my class. I call him that now since he came to my swim meet and brought 3 other guys with him, and they painted "TOGA" on their chests (obviously he was the O).

July 30, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Natalie Imbruglia - Smoke
What's the point in caring and loving? Aren't they just part of society's chain of unwritten laws? It seems silly to love, to hope, to worry, because the only thing that is given back to you in the end is pain.

July 30, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Vanessa Carlton - Twilight
Swim practice tomorrow! 8D

July 29, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Natalie Imbruglia - That Day

July 28, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Nothing! O.o
No one takes me seriously. I'm just a joke. I'm sick of who I am, of what I am.

July 03, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Nothing! O.o
Well, my right ankle, the one that I thought was only sprained, is actually broken. On Monday, it was casted. It's really hot and itchy. Boy, I can't wait to get it off. Just imagine how long the hair will be! =S Nasty.... I'm on Mom's laptop right now, so it's a pain in the butt to type. Mom is going to take me somewhere to do something since there isn't much around that house that I can do. Maybe we'll go to Creative Sparks, where you pick out a piece of pottery and paint it. I've been there once before with Steph N. The star box that I have in my room, I made that there. Oh yeah, Saturday is Luke's b-day. I think I'm going to write him a poem, or maybe a short piece of fiction. Next Thursday (not tomorrow) is the first home meet. I can't wait to go and see my friends swim. I can just imagine what Teddy and Ashley will say when they see my cast. Coach announced it to the team. Rachel swallowed a 2 in. pin today! She went to the hospital and they had to surgically remove it. At least she can still swim. Earlier, I was sitting outside, and out of nowhere I dumped my glass of ice water all over myself. Then, Mom sprayed me with the hose while I was still in my clothes. We put a plastic bag and tapped it to my leg so my cast wouldn't get wet. The crutches don't hurt my underarms or sides anymore, thankfully.

June 30, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Nothing! O.o
Well, no more swimming for a while. Took a header off my bed. *Note to self: NEVER, I repeat, NEVER wear flip-flops again.* Eh...the results? Let's just say that I have an Ace bandage on my swollen right ankle and an appointment for an x-ray for my left. Not to mention my butt hurts from dragging it around --''...

June 26, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Nothing! O.o
Not much. Sister is wating to get on. Swim practice is in the morning now, and I have a meet tomorrow. I went over to Erica's today. Two of her cousins were there as well.

June 22, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Nothing! O.o
Yay! Yay! Yay! Swimming tonight! 8D Not much, otherwise.

June 22, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Vanessa Carlton - Thousand Miles
Yesterday was first day of summer! 8D But right now it doesn't really feel like summer. I mean, I'm on summer break and all, but it's been raining on and off all day. La la la....My computer has a lag right now. Swimming starts Monday! I can't wait. Monday and Tuesday practices are in the evening. Otherwise not much has happened.

June 08, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Linkin Park - Crawling
1 WEEK LEFT OF CLASSES!! =D =D =D I can't wait. Then I only have to go back Monday and Tuesday for the math final and Earth science regents. I know, I should be estasctic, but I'm not. Kind of empty, really. Not happy, not sad. Just a nothingness. Like a piece of me is missing. I'm sure I'll get over it sooner or later, even if I have to drill myself to be happy.

June 05, 2oo2: Currently listening to: Shaman King on Vocal Parade - Ren Vocal [Paku Romi]
Braces are finally off! =D It wasn't any fun getting them off, though. First, they rip the braces and molar braces off. Then, they use this drill-like device that goes WHHZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!! and shoots out tons of water. Foul smell, water all over my face, in my ears, soaking my shirt. Loads of fun. Now my teeth are killing me because of the retainer I have to wear now. I was given those clear ones. Now I talk like Cindy Brady -- with a lisp. I think they used the word "lisp" specifically so people who actually have a lisp can't pronounce it properly.
There was a Blink 182/Green Day concert last night at SPAC. I wanted to go so bad. A few of my friends did. Emily said that most of the people there were doing drugs and stuff. It didn't get over until midnight.
Took a bunch of online quizzes and stuff. Results:

You're the HREF tag- you need someone to lean on and take care of you. You can be shy but you shine in difficult situations.


Now we're getting somewhere - your actions are
now past pre-teen level, and you're beginning to
display some more mature content in your life

"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by Jamie - take it here.

Take the Final Fantasy X personality test here! by
Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?

You are Rinoa! Your relationships with others are important
to you. You like to socialize and have a good time. To some
people you might seem a little shallow, but you really just like
to be happy and make others happy too.

Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!

Which Angelina Are You?
Call me Uke
Are you seme or uke? Find out!

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

May 22, 2oo2:A bunch of my friends and I are planning on going to the movies this Friday. Y'know what T's reply was to "What are you doing Friday?" It was, "I'm gonna be smokin' a lotta weed, man." LoL. That moron. No, he's not really going to do that, he knows better...I hope. Erica and I are wearing our pyjamas to school tomorrow. Hey, maybe Ryan will notice me in the hall! Oh well. Finally scanned a drawing of mine. It's probably the best drawing I'll have done for a looonngg time.

Crimson Taichi

May 19, 2oo2: Woo hoo! New layout! =D I did... sorta... use it from Geocities.... No! Wait! I borrowed it from them. Yeah...that's what I did. I borrowed it! n.n I'm still not sure if I want to switch to Geocities or not. I mean, they do have all these neat BGs and clipart that I can use, but they're such a pain in the arse.... Maybe I'll just stick with Angelfire for now until I find something better. On Thursday, I found out that I made Chamber Orchestra! I mean, it's a big accomplishment to make it into our Chamber Orchestra -- it's one of the top groups in the U.S.! Dad was excited. He loves to listen to classical music. He wants us to play Vivaldi's "Four Seasons." Oh well. Mom is getting two gerbils for her classroom tomorrow. I cleaned out an old fish tank that we had down in the basement and set it up and everything. I can't wait! They're so cute. If they're two males, they'll be named "Scooby" and "Shaggy," and if they're two females, they'll be "Lucy" and "Ethel." I've been trying something called "lucid dreaming." It's a dream in which you control everything, except what people say. I've almost become lucid these past few nights; as soon as I realize that I'm dreaming, I wake up. So close! u.u Also made a wallpaper of Lain.


May 14, 2oo2: Not really sure what to say... feeling lost, I suppose. Everything feels mixed up inside. Chistine, for one thing, isn't helping at all. It seems that she's trying to make my jealous by telling me "Charles this... Charles that...Oh! Charles asked me out today! Oh Charles said he is falling in love with me!" I really don't care about Charles and if he loves her or not. Sometimes I wonder if anyone will understand. Sure, I can act happy and cover up my pain, but it only makes me feel worse. I bottle everything up; my propblems are mine and no one else should have to deal with them. I don't want people to see my sadness, my pain, that is what I concluded some time ago.

May 10, 2oo2: Concert was screwed up last night. My stand partner and I never knew that we were playing the Symphony with Chamber Orchestra! Still haven't found out if I made it into chamber or not...I think I might die of anxiety. At least it's Friday. Was taking some of the test thingies on; took the "Are you evil?" test. Results:

Well, you're kinda evil. They haven't reserved a place for you in Hell yet, but the leasing agents are starting their calls. (Sorry, no air conditioning.) We're guessing you find others' pain funny, your backstabbing knife is probably pretty sharp, and your sexual wiles have likely brought you enjoyment at the expense of your bunkmates a time or two. If more than one of those three things rings true, consider yourself a card-carrying evil person. If you're interested in recanting the evil thing, sensitivity counseling isn't a bad idea. Or else find a more sadistic career, like a bouncer or a metermaid. But hey, to each his own, and if your evilness fits, wear it. Keep reading for more evil details!

Oh yeah. This one is good. My sex drive. Uh-huh. I can't stop fantasizing about Ryan and.... Oh. I guess you don't want to hear about my fantasies, do you?

So, you have a healthy sex drive — good for you! No one likes a prude. In general, you give as well as you get, though everyone can get a little selfish under the covers, so don't beat yourself up about going for the big one on your birthday. And while you're at it, go ahead and admit it — you've probably flashed a big smile to get your way in the bedroom before. But for the most part, you strike us as a pretty generous lover who's doing well at keeping your raw, sexual power in check. Yeah, baby!

Okay, admit it — sometimes you'd rather avoid face-to-face conflict. Now, was telling us that to our face so hard? No. Being up front about any concerns as soon as you have them, rather than letting them build up and turn into, say, a tire-slashing incident, is a good thing. And it sure beats getting a reputation as someone with a taste for revenge. Sure, you probably wouldn't make a very good bouncer, but that's okay. Take comfort from the fact that, overall, we think you're just swell.

Oh yeah. I'm really black hearted.

Ooo hoo — you're one evil muther. Your heart is blacker than Darth Vader's helmet. For goodness' sake, next time think about that old lady's feelings before you push her down the escalator. And, really — you know as well as anyone that dropping kitties out the window to see if they can land on their feet is just an excuse to act evil. Yes, it's all part of being a free spirit who doesn't answer to anyone. Right or wrong, it's a fun way to live. But be careful — it all comes full-circle in the end.

May 09, 2oo2:Orchestra concert tonight. I find out if I made Chamber or not! I can't wait. Kyle's going to be there (his sister and I are in the same orchestra and all). He said that he'd get a front row seat just so he could hear me mess up when we're playing "Build Me Up, Buttercup" with the other orchestras. Ha ha. I'll show him that I don't suck at the violin! Hey, I did make it into Symphonic Orchestra. I hate how the violinists and violists have to go out into the aisle to play! Everyone is so crowded, we're all about to knock each other in the head with our scrolls.

May 08, 2oo2:Woke up with laryngitus this morning. Fun fun! Finished making a background of Ed from Cowboy Bebop. Second attempt at a bg. Turned out pretty good. I've been really worn out lately, so mom let me stay home. 

Ed (800*600)

May 07, 2oo2: Ugh...I think I'm coming down with something. Feeling like crap. Fell asleep when I got home. Just ate dinner, still feeling like crap. My body aches. I started to feel lightheaded today, but Christine wouldn't let me get all-out dizzy, so she made me eat some candy. The doctors still don't know what's wrong, even after the blood test.

May 06, 2oo2:I have a case of the Mondays, according to Kyle. Messed up so many times in orchestra. It's 5:12 right now, and I've already finished my homework! Is that pathetic? I guess not, I mean, my whole night is free now to do what I please. Woo hoo. I think I might go to bed early tonight. Had the worst time trying to get up this morning. There was a rumor going around that someone called Melissa 'fat' at the dance, and that she had passed out in school because she starved herself over the weekend. Thankfully it wasn't true. Melissa is a twig. She isn't fat! Alright, if Melissa's fat, then everyone else must be elephants. The sub we had for Spanish today was that weird guy who came from Germany. Even worse, I had him last Friday as a sub for Latin! He's always criticizing either our society, or our language.

May 05, 2oo2: Another boring Sunday. Transplanted stuff into new garden. Did homework. That's about it. Oh yeah, showered this morning, dried my hair.

May 04, 2oo2: Just saw Erica and her cousin, Sarah, off. We went swimming! The pool water was only 50°F! Erica and I dunked our heads under water, then we said that our brains went numb. Ha ha. Then, all of us were beginning to get a bit hungry, so we went to my house to raid the kitchen. But, on the way over here, I started out wearing my towel and a t-shirt over my bathing suit. Then, the towel began to fall off, so we stopped, and I began to change. Unfortunately, a few cars went by, so we waved and grinned like morons. The last car, driven by a man, waved back; once I thought that he had passed, I took my towel off, and the man honked! Guess I should wait a little longer before doing that again.... Going to YMCA for lap swimming. Adios!

Since when the hell does the Y close at 6:oo?! Okay, Christine asked to meet me there, and what happens? I get there, and she's not there! I swear to God....

May 03, 2oo2:Just got back from the dance. To start off, Amanda cut me with her nail! She needs to cut those damn things! They're dangerous. But, she said I was brave for asking someone I didn't know to slow-dance. Even the teachers were dancing! It was especially funny when one of the math teachers was trying to break dance. Chris was being his usual self - an overly horny bastard. Most of the time he had two girls on each side of him, "dancing". They looked more like dogs trying to hump his leg. LoL. Dan was trying to teach me to shimmey. Still no luck at it. I just don't have a big enough bust to do it. 

I think I know how Romeo feels...heh. Well, y'know how I liked *the certain someone* before and all... but... I slow-danced with someone else, and now I like him. He was really nice, kind of shy, and cute. His scent is still on me (I even told him he smelled nice! I think I embarrassed him....) My dancing wasn't too bad. And before, I thought that I totally sucked at it. Slow-dancing was easy enough, I mean, just moving around in circles...sort of.... I wish I could remember the song that Ryan and I danced to! Most likely, I was too focused on Ryan rather than the music. Ha typical. Why is it that guys always seem taller when you're dancing with them? My chin came up to his shoulder. His arms and hands felt warm on my sides and the small of my back. Our hips kept bumping, which was somewhat unnerving, considering I had just met him. But, still, I enjoyed the feeling of being close to him, feeling the warmth of his body, as we swayed to the gentle music. Melissa walked by and made an all-too-easy-to-read expression: "Aww.... that's so cute!" That was the highlight of the dance for me.

April 27, 2oo2:I'm disgustedly bored right now. Not even dressed yet.... Mom's sick, hope I don't get sick, too. Tttttthhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'''''sssssssssssssssss nnnnnnnnnnooooooooo oottttttttttthhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg tttttttttttoooooooooo dddddddddooooooooooooooo......................... Gee, can you tell that I'm bored?

April 24, 2oo2:Made dinner. Turned out to be pretty good (too bad it was one of those easy, 5-minute meals....). Went for run with Katie, but only did a 1/2 mile. So out of shape already.... Bought a dance ticket today, although it was against my free will. Era's making me go to the dance. I wonder if the *certain someone* will be there? Perhaps. Although, it would be nice if he did.... Cripple wanted me to go downtown with her on Friday, but unfortunately, I can't. But I might have Erica(sp?) sleep over this weekend, so that should be fun. Haven't seen Kira in a while, need to talk to her. Still haven't gotten results of the Echo or EKG yet.

April 21, 2oo2:Been working on homework all day... perhaps I shouldn't have saved it to the last day of vacay.

April 20, 2oo2:Alright! Beginning blog! I'm just curious to see how much I change or don't change over time.Got my hair cut today. Now I look like Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII...bwuah. Had echocardiogram on Friday; the pictures of my heart were rrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaallllyyy cool... drew piccie of mah speshul friend, Super Udon-chan. Went to see Murder By Numbers last night with my friend, Erica, and her mom...too bad the cute guy died in the end. It seems that all the best looking guys die in the end....why is that?! Woo...nooo.....tomorrow's the last day of vacation. But, the sooner we get back, the sooner we get to summer vacay! Bwuah. Just finished watching Gladiator for the millionth time... *sniffles* the ending always gets me! Anywho, I really haven't done much today...must do homework tomorrow. Blah.