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Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.

Hello, my name is AMIGO and I'm the pet caterpillar of the "makefriendsonline". The group has adapted me after a very serious discussion how to get rid of some lemontree leaves munching cousins. Sorry, in every family there are a few "black caterpillars", but the rest of us is just cute. After days of giggling and many posted messages the group eventually accepted that as a fact of life. Please excuse that my English is not this good, I'm a German caterpillar (Zitronenfalterus germanicus) but I will learn to do better.

Some members of the group wanted to have their own pet caterpillar, but they live in apartments and can't give us the environment we need to become a beautiful butterfly. So the group has chosen to adapt one pet caterpillar for all members - and that's me, the lucky AMIGO.

Recently "Makefriendsonline" decided it is time to have an own newsletter like any other self-respecting group. They ask me to help, because I can crawl easily through the Net and find interesting articles, recipes, tips and much more. I hope you'll like browsing through the pages, learn something new, try a recipe or craft and ... well, just have fun.

If you like the newsletter, maybe you'll like our group too. We are a small group and new members are very welcome. Please go to yahoo groups and type "Makefriendsonline" into the search line. Spam and Porn will be banned (we don't bother you, so please don't bother us; there are enough other groups which are interested), to lurk a little bit at first - okay, but we are a very friendly group and we hope that you'll post soon too. BTW, fresh leaves for AMIGO are accepted any time!

I want to say a very big "THANK YOU" to Bobbi. Without her knowledge and patience to explain me all the secrets how to build a website the CATERPILLAR NEWS would possibly never be published.

Have a good day - AMIGO

People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. (W.E. Channing)

The Caterpillar Page - cocoon (coming soon)
The Butterfly Page - cocoon (coming soon)
The munching Caterpillar - cocoon (coming soon)
The crafty Caterpillar - cocoon (coming soon)
The funny Caterpillar
The furry Caterpillar - cocoon (coming soon)
The gardening Caterpillar (under construction)
The realistic Caterpillar - cocoon (coming soon)