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My Information

Carine Lynn Sturgeon
The Blog Writer

Now Alot of you have been wondering who the hell is this girl im readying about. So I made this page so you can find out a little more about me.

Name: Carine Lynn Sturgeon

Birthday: Feb 23rd 1985

Family: My mom Monique My sisters Kaylie (10) Danika (9) and My grandmother Madeline (We call her Mimi)and my guinea pig who thinks he is human Booky.

Occupation: College Student getting her degree as a Educational Assistant. Inspiring Writer/Actress

Hobbies: Kareoke Shopping Writting Singing Acting Reading hanging out with friends and family reading magazines chilling out and leasning to music.

Last yr someone had to interview me for English Class Its was so hilarious and you really get to know me.

What was the best day of your life: If im being politicaly correct I should say the days my sisters where born so since im not il say I dont have a best day of my life as there are to many to choose.

Fav Tv shows: Sex in the city Friends Gilmore Girls Canadian Idol Anything with John Dore Saturday Night Live.

Fav Movie: All the Austin Powers Movies Beaches Bridget Jones Diary.

Fav kind of Music: So many to list Fleetwood Mac DC Talk Mercy Me Gordon Lightfoot The beatles Jann Arden Bachman Turner Over Drive ..... way to many to list.

Fav Actor: Mike Myers Rodney Dangerfield Brad Pitt

Fav Actress: Lucille Ball Kate Hudson

Nicknames: "Sturg" "Caz" "Bodonna" "Keiths" "J Lo"

Where do you see your self in 5 yrs: Writing Excutive Producing and Acting in my own television show. Iv been writting a manuscript for the past 4 yrs and I plan having it on the small screen soon.

What is your religion: I belong to The Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada. I go to church online.

I love to act sing write anything having to do with the arts. I write poems songs short stories plays. My most impressive piece of work ( and the one Iv been working on for the past 4 yrs) Is a television series. At first it was sent in England. Then I changed it To Toronto. Characters iv been written in written out but one thing has never changed is its about 4 friends dealing with life you see the serious side and the funny side. There not perfect they dont have great jobs flash cars perfect boyfriends and girlfriends. There like you and me.

If you would like to know more about me please feel free to contact me

And remember me im going to be a star ;)