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My first three children were a real education! Child number one saw a can floating on the water at the beach, and toddled directly toward it, to get it, disappearing beneath the waves in an instant! (She held her breath, and I saw where she went under, so she survived.)

Child number two climbed into a vertical tool box attached to a truck at three years old, and two younger neighbor children shut the door. (I heard a tiny cry while searching for her, and found her drenched with sweat and breathless with sobs, before suffocating, so she survived.)

Child number three leaned out a low window at two years and one month old, and fell eleven feet on his head, on cement, causing three hairline skull fractures. (God saved his life, intelligence and vision. I was told in the intensive care unit that he likely would have died, or at least been blind, if he had been three years old, but two year olds still bounce.)

I became a very cautious mother! None of the others ever scared me as much!

I think everyone in high school should have to memorize a list of all possible dangers to little ones. Of course, toddlers are still dreaming up new dangers! I began motherhood with no idea at all, of the strange and wondrous actions they can invent!

2004 Rosemary Gwaltney

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