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Lights, Camera, Action!


LIVE! From the Canseco FieldHouse, Indianaplois, Indiana

( The scene comes in beginning with a preview of the World title Match at SOTF 3! And then we go LIVE to Adrenaline where Pyros begin to blast in all different directions! Up and down the aisle way and into the ring. And then the scene calms down as we go down to JJ Biggs and Dan Neil. )

JJ biggs: Hello everyone, I am JJ BIGGS!

Dan Neil: And I am DAN NEIL!

JJ Biggs: And we are just one week away from SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST THRRRRREEEEE!

Dan Neil: And what a night we have planned for you TONIGHT!

JJ biggs: Indeed, INDEED we do!!!


Jimmy Luciano, and Chris Carey


[ Adrenaline ]

Right On!

("You're The Best Around" blares through the PA and Alex Toretto and Tommy Masters make their way to the ring. Alex adjusts his grey llama fur coat and sun glasses while Tommy dusts off his Michael Jordan NC throwback jersey. They roll into the ring with microphones in hand.)

[TommyMasters:] "Ladies and gentlemen of the attending audience and those of ya'll who couldn't afford a damn ticket and is watchin' this shit at home because you cheap bastards. Welcome one, welcome all, to the Tommy Masters School of Whoop Yo Ass."

(A slight pop.)

[TommyMasters:] "Today's lesson will consist of how to pin point a weakness. Knowing and exposing weakness will give you the psychological advantage in any fight."

[AlexToretto:] "Right on!"

[TommyMasters:] "So if I may. Would Lucifer please bring his broke, stank ass out in this general direction."

( "Whereever I May Roam" by Mettallica hits and Lucifer comes out. He steps onto the apron and into the ring. He stands in front of Alex.)

[TommyMasters:] "Now, now, let's not start anything yet. Lucifer, we just want you out here for a demonstration."

[Lucifer:] "Fuck off. What do you fags want?"

[TommyMasters:] "Well, since you were sweet enough to put it like that."

(Tommy dropkicks Lucifer in his left knee and Lucifer falls. Alex grabs Lucifer's hurt leg and puts him in a cross kneebar while Tommy holds him down with a chinlock. They both let go and Lucifer limps to his feet. Alex sneaks around to his side and gives him a chop block to his hurt leg again. Alex grabs Lucifer's leg a does a spinning leg drop across his inner thigh. Alex and Tommy both leave the ring with Lucifer hurting in the ring.)

The Odd Couple Arrives

(We fade to the parking lot of the Canseco FieldHouse. We see a black Suburban pull up, all decked out. You know, one of those ones that Fifty Cent rides in. Anyway, as the vehicle comes to a hault and the engines cuts off. The back door opens up and out steps Jason Simmons, dressed in all Eddie Bauer... looking nice. The driver side door opens and out steps Joey Johnson, dressed in his usual Gucci attire. He walks around and opens the door to reveal his partner in life, also wearing her usual Gucci attire, Tiffany Johnson. As the two walk back around the vehicle, they are met by Carmen Holiday who is carrying with her, a microphone. He sticks it in the face of Joey Johnson who then grins. Carmen asks a question.)

Carmen Holiday:  Joey, welcome back to Superior Wrestling. How does it feel?

Joey Johnson: Thanks. And yes, it feels good to be back with my family here.

Carmen Holiday: Should we expect to see more of you here tonight?

Joey Johnson: Sure, why not?

Carmen Holiday: Alright then. You three have a good night and Jason, good luck against Mercury.

Jason Simmons: Than...

Joey Johnson: (cutting off Jason...) Thanks, but he won't need it. Mercury is finished.

Jason Simmons: Umm, yeah.

(And with that, Joey, Jason, and Tiffany take off into the building.)

Dude Job vs. Scotty Micheals

 ( Scotty Micheals stands in the ring awaiting the OverDrive Champion.)

( The lights go down and a hush falls over the crowd as a music that sounds almost as a holy chant begins to play...Flames begin to come up slowly around the center of the entrance stage in a circle and two torches on each side of it flare up slowly...the flames suddenly turn multi-colored...Silver letters come of the tron in the following sequence)

~Jobber 4 life~
~Overdrive Champion~
~Dude JoB~

( "Secret Agent Man" by Jerry Reed comes over the PA as the flames erupt into a swirl of heat and light...when they die down we see a man standing in the center unburned and unscaved...his arms are outstreched...It's Dude JoB!...He wastes no time and runs down the ring high fiving his fans on the rampway and gets in the ring. He tosses the title up in the air and the ref catches it as he poses for the crowd. Dude turns to face his oppoent.)

[JJ Biggs]: This is going to be intense each man is glareing at each other.

[Dan Neil]: And Micheals just said something to DJ that made DJ laugh in his face, Micheals swings and Dude ducks it and HEADBUTTS MICHEALS IN THE FACE! Dude keeps up the assualt with a standing legdrop and the match is underway.

[JJ Biggs]: Dude picks him up and whips him into the corner, Michaels comes back to a standing stiff kick from Dude. Michaels staggers back into the ropes and Dude finishes him off with a nice clothesline that towers Scotty to the mat. Dude gets quickly to his feet and lifts Michaels to his feet. A sharp right jab is delivered and Michaels bounces back a little bit. Dude spins around and connects with a left hook that sends Michaels staggering back into the corner.

[Dan Neil]: Michaels bounces off with a head of steam and Dude ducks it..Kick to gut. Swinging neckbreaker by Dude. Dude bends down to holler profantities in the ear of Michaels, and gets him to his feet. He ships him to the ropes, and follows him only to nail him with a shoulder block that sends Michaels to the mat. Dude looks down at the helpless Michaels and lifts him up by his hair. He whips him to the ropes again, Michales sidesteps a dropkick and Dude towers to the mat. He gets quickly to his feet and attempts another dropkick, but again, Michaels dodges the bullet.

[JJ Biggs]: Dude slow to his feet, is kicked in the ribs by Michaels. Dude rests on his knee, and Michaels nails him with a bulldog that plants his face right square to the mat. Dude looks up into the eyes of Michaels and Michaels kicks him right in the face. Dude flops around the ring and Scotty gets him up by the back of his tights. He whips him to the ropes, and Dude comes back to a nicely executed powerslam.

[Dan Neil]: Nice move there by Scotty.

[JJ Biggs]: Pfffft, my grandma does that shit in her sleep diggy.

[Dan Neil]: Sorry Mr. Everything.

[JJ Biggs]: Scotty gets him to his feet and whips him to the ropes again, Dude returns to a jumping knee to the chest that sends him back into the corner. Scotty charges in..


[JJ Biggs]: What a reversal.

[Dan Neil]: Scotty staggers back into the middle of ring and Dude hops up to the second buckle. Scotty turns...double axe handle chop!!! It might be over?



[JJ Biggs]: Kick out by Scotty.

[Dan Neil]: It will take more than this to pin him.

[JJ Biggs]: Dude gets him to his feet and runs him into the ropes, clothesline. Dude bounces back first off the ropes, and comes back to drop an elbow across the chest of Scotty. Dude quickly spins around and puts him into a headlock. Scotty holds his hand in the air to try and gain a little bit of leverage, but it serves no use, Dude just tightens the hold in.

[Dan Neil]: The Overdrive Champion looking sharp here tonight JJ.

[JJ Biggs]: Get real, a headlock?

[Dan Neil]: You're so negative.

[JJ Biggs]: What are you, my mother?

[Dan Neil]: Scotty now trying to get to his knees, and does so..He elbos Dude in his gut, and again. And again. He breaks the hold and throws Dude into the ropes. Dude returns and leaps over Scotty. Scotty follows and and hits the deck as Dude passes over him. Scotty quickly to his feet ..


[Dan Neil]: I haven't seen Dude JoB take a hit that hard in a long time...HE JUST SAT UP!

[JJ Biggs]: He just ripped off his Tye Dye T-shirt and he has a look that could kill on his face, it's offical Dude JoB has just went into OOOOOVVVERRRDRIVVEE!

[Dan Neil]: Micheals can't make any sense of what he is seeing, Dude is telling him if that's the best he's got he won't make it. Micheals swings and Dude moves only to grab onto Micheals arm and....OH MY GOD! Dude JoB just lifted Micheals over his head with that arm, Dude starts spinning around and a one arm slam to the mat. Micheals is grabbing his arm in pain as he gets up and Dude grabs him by the throat for a powerbomb! Dude goes up top.

[JJ Biggs]: JOB TERMINATOR! Here is the, two, THREE! Dude JoB retains his Overdrive Title!

[Dan Neil]: He aint done yet look at this! Dude JoB just clubbed Micheals in the back of the head with the Overdrive Title. He's calling for a mic.


[JJ Biggs]: The psycho has gone postal!

[Dude JoB]: If this is the future of SWF, I think I better root it out before it kills us! I came here to wrestle a competitor not a crackwhore this company found on the street. This punk has not even had a real match yet and you send him my way, well this is the result but I am not going to allow this overpushed child to get away with getting in my face.

[JJ Biggs]: What's the gonna do?

[Dan Neil]: He's dropped the mic and has picked up Micheals, he's going to the top of the turnbuckle post and setting up Micheals for a tombstone piledriver. HE PILEDRIVES HIM INTO THE POST! That thing doesn't give, Dude is on the outside of the ring now and grabs the Overdrive Title. He's looking at us and coming are way.

[Dude JoB]: Howdy boys...NOW THATS A WAY TO KICK OFF A SHOW!

[JJ Biggs]: Yeah!

(Dude JoB walks off as EMT's check on Micheals)

[Dan Neil]: Dear God in heaven if that's a precurser to tonight we are in for a blood bath, and that man has lost whatever been of sanity he ever had!


( Chris Staggs is seen standing around with Chris Naggs as they walk into building. They walk down the hall and finally reach the locker room. They enter the locker room as Tommy Grady and Aaron Everage are sitting there. )

[ Chris Staggs:] Hey dude.

[ Tommy Grady:] Sup doo...

[ Chris Staggs:] You miss your belt?

[ Tommy Grady:] FO SHO!

[ Chris Staggs:] I got a plan.

[ Tommy Grady:] FO SHO!

[ Chris Staggs:] First we.....

( Chris Staggs and Tommy Grady start to discuss their plan as Chris Naggs and Aaron Everage talk among each other. )

[ Chris Naggs:] You know this plan won't work.

[ Aaron Everage:] Yeah I know.

Lucifer vs. Alex Toretto

(The crowd dies down and then the screen lights up.)

Right On!

("You're The Best Around" by Karate Kid hits and Alex Toretto makes his way out to the ring with Tommy Masters. He and Tommy strut down to ringside and taunt the crowd. Alex takes off his fur coat and glasses and hands them to Tommy. Alex rolls into the ring and strips down to his wrestling trunks before the match begins.)

JJ biggs: Well, Toretto has already entered the ring, and now it is time to see that BIG MAN FROM THE DARK SIDE. Lucifer, Former IFW World Champion is about to step into the ring.

Dan Neil: There are a lot of high hopes for this guy running around out there right now. It is a big question mark to see where he will stand in the future.

( Whereever I may Roam by Mettallica begins to play as the lights go out, and out from the back walks LUCIFER. )

Dan Neil: AND HERE HE IS!!!

[ Lucifer runs at Alex Toretto but he moves out of the way Lucifer bounces off the ropes ducks under his legs and hits Alex Toretto with a drop kick. He runs into the rope stops him self and with pissed look grabs Lucifer and tosses him across the ring. Lucifer slides under the ring and smacks the apron with his fist. He dares Alex Toretto to follow him He slowly walks over to him steps over the rope and stands up to Lucifer, Lucifer is several inches taller than him and must look down. Lucifer slaps Alex Toretto ; Alex Toretto gets a stern look on him face and lifts Lucifer up by the throat and chokeslams him down onto the Spanish announce table! ]

Dan Neil: FUCK! I guess that did not make Alex Toretto very happy.

[ The table breaks with the force but Lucifer quickly gets up and goes for Alex Toretto legs, they collapse and He falls to his knees. Lucifer begins hitting him with lefts and rights before He grabs his fist and catches it. Lucifer tries to fight it off as Alex Toretto gets back to him feet Alex Toretto lifts Luciferu p and tosses him over the top rope and back into the ring. He climbs in and goes over to the injured Lucifer, He begins to stomp his back then does a falling fist drop… ]

JJ Biggs: Can he get out of the way in time???

[ Lucifer rolls out of the way just in time though, He gets to his feet and attempts a clothesline three times and it is no use. He just isn't affected, Lucifer grabs him arm and sends him flying into the ropes then power slams him down, what strength! Lucifer goes against the ropes and hits a leg drop on Alex Toretto . He then lifts him up by the hair. He elbows him in the side and chops him on the neck, He swings into the ropes and hits a neck breaker on Lucifer, and goes for the cover ]

Lucifer throws his shoulder up.

Dan Neil: You are not going to get Lucifer that easily.

JJ Biggs: No your not.

[ Alex Toretto looks a little frustrated, He lifts him up by the neck and throws him out of the ring, towards the ramp way. He steps out of the ring and goes over to the hurt Lucifer, He lifts him to his feet and drags him up the ramp way. They get to the top and Alex Toretto lifts Lucifer up and tosses him over the side, it's over a twelve-foot drop! ]


Dan Neil: Lucifer is out cold.

[ Alex Toretto hops down and sets a table up, He then lifts Lucifer back up and places him on the table, He walks back and runs at the table and leaps on it. Lucifer rolls away just in time and Alex Toretto breaks through the table… a cut appears on the arm of Alex Toretto . Lucifer slowly gets to his feet, he is heavily favoring his arm now. He walks over to Alex Toretto and head butts him. He then looks around and grabs a glass of beer from a fan, He splashes it in Alex Toretto 's face and He looks up. And Lucifer grabs him, and He gets up and look Lucifer deep in the eyes, He grabs him and throws him back onto the ramp He lifts himself up and Lucifer hits him with a drop kick and He falls back through the table again. ]

Dan Neil: That table is taking some punishment.

JJ Biggs: How much money do you think Carey pays for in tables a night.

Dan Neil: I don't know, but he may have to begin to deduct from these guys' salary.

[ Lucifer then runs back and leaps off the ramp onto Alex Toretto ! They both lie there unconscious, finally Lucifer gets to his feet and grabs Alex Toretto and Lifts him up and sends him flying into the guardrail, he then lifts him up high in the air and power slams him against the guard rail and his neck hits against it and he falls downs. He sticks his head between his legs and power bombs him but holds on, and places Alex Toretto in a boston crab! Alex Toretto is screaming in pain as he uses his legs to flip Lucifer over. Alex Toretto grabs him and lifts him up. But Lucifer reacts with a head butt to the gut of Alex Toretto . This knocks the wind out of him. ]

JJ Biggs: Looks like Alex Toretto is having some trouble breathing.

[ Lucifer begins hitting him with lefts and rights. He grabs him and sends him flying towards the ring, He stops him self and Lucifer gets a tackle! Lucifer gets back to his feet and lifts Alex Toretto up and sends him over the guardrail. But He lands on him feet and He grabs Lucifer and lifts him up and tosses him into the crowd anyways. He follows after him and when He gets to him, he hits him with a steel chair! Alex Toretto doesn't get affected, but he goes for a second shot. And He blocks it and kicks Lucifer in the gut and grabs him by the back of the neck and hits him with a NECK BREAKER! ]

Dan Neil: Get in the ring Toretto ...Get in THE RING!

[ Alex Toretto lifts Lucifer back up and hurls him down some stairs towards the ring. He walks after and clotheslines him over the guardrail. He steps over it and grabs Lucifer and slides him into the ring. He slides in and goes for the cover. ]

Lucifer barely gets the shoulder up, the ref nearly called the three.

[ Alex Toretto does not do anything, instead He gets to him feet and swings against the ropes, and ttempts a clothesline, but Lucifer ducks, and counters with a boot right to the face! Alex Toretto looks stunned as Lucifer picks him up and DEATH BECOMES YOU!!


Dan Neil: That's it LUCIFER WINS!

And you are who???

( We see Pete Ebdon walking out of his locker room with Nicholas Jaxx following shortly behind. Jaxx starts staring at one of the cleaners asses but Ebdon pulls him forward. )

[Nicholas Jaxx:] The fuck dude? She had a nice ass…

[Pete Ebdon:] Nick, is it any fucking wonder that you never win a goddamn match if that’s all you care about? You need to grow up kid, and sooner rather than later!

( Jaxx storms off angrily as Pete shakes his head and turns around to find Trent Paul looking at him. )

[Pete Ebdon:] Can I help you?

[Trent Paul:] I was just seeing what a loser looks like.

[Pete Ebdon:] What did you call me?

( Ebdon steps forward and Paul just grins. )

[Trent Paul:] You lost to that Mountie guy Ebdon, you’re losing it. Sure you beat Hurley but you couldn’t even do that right. You ain’t the man you once were…

[Pete Ebdon:] And you are?

[Trent Paul:] I’m undefeated, and tonight I’m gonna beat Tommy Grady as well. You ain’t nothing compared to me…

( Paul walks off as Ebdon stands there in disbelief, but a smile slowly grows on his face. )

[Pete Ebdon:] We’ll see about that kid… we’ll see about that.

( The scene fades to Joey Johnson. )

Say What?

(The scene fades into the backstage area where Joey Johnson and Tiffany Johnson are seen chatting it up. Wrestlers are walking by, getting ready for their matches, resting up after the first two and whatnot. Joey rubs his chin and we pick up on the conversation.)

Joey Johnson: I don't know about Jason.

Tiffany Johnson: What do you mean?

Joey Johnson: He keeps talking about have five weeks left. I don't understand his reasoning for not wanting to sign a new contract.

Tiffany Johnson: You can never tell about people like him.

Joey Johnson: I don't like him. Not one bit... but I think he has potential. But when he goes, I want his spot on the roster.

Tiffany Johnson: Are you serious?

Joey Johnson: Yes.

(Joey gets tapped on the back and when he turns, he sees Jason Simmons standing there.)

Jason Simmons: Did I hear correctly?

Joey Johnson: Come again?

Jason Simmons: You want my spot on the roster?

Joey Johnson: Yes. But you got other shit to worry about right now.

(This time, Mercury walks up to the group.)

Mercury: Yeah, Simmons... you got me.

Jason Simmons: Yeah, right. Get the fuck out of here.

( Mercury grins and continues on his way. Jason looks at Joey with a little confused look.)

Jason Simmons: Joey... I don't know what the fuck your problem is... but you need to fix it.

Joey Johnson: No problem here.

Tiffany Johnson: (laughing) Boys!

(And with that, the three walk off down the hallway.)

Tommy Grady vs. Trent Paul

JJ Biggs: Trent Paul and Tommy Grady in the ring, I think they’re about ready to start this match…

( The screen cuts to static as a warning fades in. )

Dan Neil: What the hell?

Do Not Adjust Your Televisions

( The static sound fades out as Halo by Soil hits the PA system and pyro explodes on both sides of the stage. )

E B D O N . E N T E R T A I N M E N T . P R E S E N T S

P E T E . E B D O N

( Pete Ebdon steps out on to the stage with a smile on his face as he begins to walk down the ramp, staring up at Trent Paul and Tommy Grady with a grin on his face. He looks as though he’s about to get in to the ring and both men get defensive but he just laughs and walks around to the commentary table, sitting down beside Dan and JJ and putting on a headset. )

Dan Neil: Well can I be the first to say it’s a pleasure to have you with us tonight Mr Ebdon. Always good to hear from the only SWF Grand Slam champion.

Pete Ebdon: Thank you Dan, glad someone around here knows talent when they see it, unlike those two clowns in the ring.

JJ Biggs: Well there’s the bell and this match is underway as both men lock up in the center of the ring but Grady quickly takes advantage, whipping Paul against the ropes but Paul comes back and attempts a clothesline, Grady ducks underneath and lifts Paul up in to a massive backdrop and follows that with a quick elbow drop. Goes for an early cover… 1… 2… and Paul easily kicks out.

Dan Neil: Grady trying to stay on the offensive as he grabs Paul by the head but Paul counters with a kick to the midsection and delivers a right hand to the face that has Tommy Grady holding his face in shock. Grady turns back around again now as Trent Paul delivers a clubbing blow to the back on the neck, knocking Grady to the mat and then hits a leg drop right on the back of the neck.

JJ Biggs: Grady struggling back to his feet but Paul on the attack again with a running back elbow that has Grady reeling once again but he didn’t get all of it and that allows Grady to take advantage with a shot to the midsection and a chin breaker. Grady pulling Paul to his feet and whipping him across the ring, following up with a sidekick to the face as Paul comes back off the ropes.

Dan Neil: And not letting up on the face with a dropkick straight between the eyes as Paul lays on the mat. Grady perhaps building in confidence now as Paul gets back to his feet and catches the unsuspecting Grady with a right hand to the face, the second time he’s used that trick in this match. Paul grabbing Grady around the head again but Grady counters with a knee to the midsection and a front facelock, lifting him up in to the air with a beautiful vertical suplex and dropping Paul on his back. In to another cover now, tries to hook the leg but Paul gets the shoulder up long before the referee even counts one.

JJ Biggs: Grady stays on the attack though as he rolls back to his feet and delivers another knee to the midsection of Paul, running at the ropes and trying for something but Paul too quick and knocks him down with an elbow to the face. Paul quickly pulling Grady back to his feet and twisting the arm in an arm wrench… and delivering a kick straight to the face. Paul perhaps a little angry now as he delivers a few well placed kicks to the ribs and an elbow to the back as Grady tries to get to his feet. Grady rolls through it though, quickly springing himself back to his feet and ducking another attempted cheap shot by Paul, in to a german suplex!

Dan Neil: Grady keeps the fingers locked now as he pulls Paul back to his feet… and a second german suplex, this time with a bridge! 1… 2… and Paul JUST gets off his shoulders before the three.

JJ Biggs: Both men struggling back to their feet but Paul up first, whipping Grady across the ring and in to the turnbuckle, delivering a few shots to the body before whipping him across to the opposite corner and following him in with a strong elbow to the ribs. Grady staggers out of the ring but Paul catches him in a sidewalk slam but quickly pulls him back to his feet and delivers another arm wrench and a kick to the face. Paul hooks both legs as he flips himself in to cover… 1… 2… but Grady barely, and I mean BARELY, got the shoulder up.

Dan Neil: What do you think of the action Pete?

Pete Ebdon: Not bad so far, Paul seems to be pretty focused on the face of Grady though.

JJ Biggs: Both men up, Grady whips Paul across to the corner but Paul counters the charge from Grady with an elbow to the face, whips Grady in to the ropes and takes him down with a clothesline. Paul to his knees now and delivering shots to the face of Grady but Grady blocks one, flips Paul over and drops him in a body slam. Paul quickly back up and Grady with a modified back suplex but Paul counters and Grady delivers a kick and a gutbuster.

Pete Ebdon: I’m not sure which of these two assclowns I want to see win!

Dan Neil: Grady tries to pull Paul to his feet but Paul counters, first with a shot to the face and then a hard chop that actually takes Grady off his feet. Paul takes Grady down with another sidekick to the face but this time Grady rolls straight back to his feet and is greeted by a strong body slam by Paul and now a kick to the ribs while Grady is on the ground. Paul running over to the turnbuckle, starting to climb but Grady comes at him and accidently takes down the referee!

Pete Ebdon: Excuse me kids…

JJ Biggs: Where the hell is he going?

Dan Neil: Pete Ebdon rolling in to the ring now and knocking the ropes, causing Paul to land quite painfully on the top of the ring post.

JJ Biggs: Ebdon spins Grady around… CRYSTAL CUTTER ON GRADY!

Dan Neil: But he’s not done… Ebdon’s climbing to the middle rope and he grabs Trent Paul around the head… he wouldn’t do it from the top, would he?

JJ Biggs: Ebdon looking out at these fans who are going nuts now and shouting “hell yeah” as he twists himself around… CRYSTAL CUTTER OFF THE TOP ROPE! TRENT PAUL LANDED ON HIS HEAD!

Dan Neil: Ebdon reviving the referee now and telling him something… and I think the referee just disqualified both men! This is a no-contest!

[Pete Ebdon:]I know a lot of you are asking yourselves why I’d come out here, only two hours away from destroying and humiliating Andrew Hurley for the second week in a row, but I needed to teach these two morons a lesson. One my left lies Tommy Grady, one half of the worst tag team champions to EVER hold those belts and a man who will never see his belt again because, two weeks time, Jaxx and myself will TAKE them from them. I’m sick of waiting, I’m making a challenge right here and now… if they want their belts back then they can have them… the first Adrenaline after Survival Of The Fittest come and get them… if you’ve got the guts.

( The crowd go wild as Pete kicks Grady in the face and turns his attentions to Trent Paul. )

[Pete Ebdon:] But before that I have a score to settle with this man, a man who DARED to call me a loser. Tell me Trent, how’s your head feeling right now? You’ve got guts kids, I won’t deny that, but you think your little winning streak is something special? I promise you it won’t last much longer because I’ve got a surprise for you. Luciano granted me a match, Paul vs. Ebdon next Sunday at Survival Of The Fittest and I promise you kid that you will not survive that match with your winning streak intact. You see this “loser” is going to be the man that ends it and whether you want to believe that or not is your concern, not mine. See you next Sunday kid…

( Halo by Soil hits as Pete turns to leave the ring. As he does though he notices Paul struggling to try and get to his feet and smiles, turning around and delivering another Crystal Cutter in the middle of the ring, leaving Paul and Grady lying side by side as Halo by Soil hits once more and Ebdon slides out of the ring. )

There are more ways than one to get on SWF TV.

(The camera fades in backstage, where two individuals are seen selling popcorn and soda. As the camera zooms in to take a closer look, it focuses in on the faces of Erik Olson and DJ Payne. The two are standing around, holding bags of popcorn and talking between each other. Eventually Olson looks out towards a group of people walking by and begins to speak to them.)

[Erik Olson:] Hey, you guys want some popcorn?

(The people stop for a moment, pausing, and looking at Olson.)

[Erik Olson:] Well?

(One of the individuals step forward and walk up to Olson.)

(DJ Payne looks at the customer and begins to speak.)

[DJ Payne:] How can we help you, nigga.

(The individual pauses for a moment and stares at DJ Payne.)

[DJ Payne:] I don't have all day now, nigga.

(The individual then begins to speak up.)

[Customer #1:] Man, shouldn't you be speaking to me with respect?

(DJ Payne grins and looks down at the customer.)

[DJ Payne:] Don't get me wrong homie, this is as respectful as shit is gonna get.

(He pauses for a moment, crossing his arms, and looking to the customer.)

[DJ Payne:] Either ya buy some of the popcorn or ya get tha fuck outta my face.

(Olson suddenly comes over to Payne and tries to calm him down.)

[Erik Olson:] Whoa man, settle down...

(DJ Payne pauses for a moment, taking a deep breathe and trying to calm down.)

(Olson then turns to the customer and begins to speak.)

[Erik Olson:] Well then, how about some popcorn, yo.

(The customer looks at Olson and then begins to speak.)

[Customer #1:] How about I get an autographed picture with you?

(Olson's eyebrow raises as he stares at the customer.)

[Erik Olson:] No, how about you buy some popcorn.

(The customer pauses for a moment and scratches his head.)

[Customer #1:] You know, maybe I don't want any popcorn, maybe I just want an autograph.

(Olson shakes his head with disapproval.)

[Erik Olson:] This mother fucker man, ain't gonna give up are you?

(The customer nods his head, agreeing.)

[Erik Olson:] Well then, I'm going to have to give in, I guess.

(Olson turns his back to grab a hold of something, but then pauses.)

[Erik Olson:] I'm gonna have to whip your ass.

(Olson grabs a hold of a metal bowl, turns around, and cracks it right over the head of the customer.)

(The customer falls backwards and smacks down onto the concrete floor.)

(DJ Payne looks at the carnage and begins to laugh.)

[DJ Payne:] Damn homie, you was tellin' me to watch my temper?

(Olson pauses and smiles. Then he looks up to DJ Payne and begins to speak.)

[Erik Olson:] Some mother fuckers never learn; don't push me.

(DJ Payne begins to laugh.)

[Erik Olson:] Yo Payne, let's take our popcorn stand out into the SWF fans.

(DJ Payne nods and replies.)

[DJ Payne:] Aiight homie.

(Then the scene begins to fade into the next as the two walk away from the scene.)