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Bunny Smile Girl's Friendship Corner

Bunny Smile Girl is a girl with cleft lip and palate. This website is about the story of how she faces her life with her cleft and some other stories of other people who were also born with cleft or other Craniofacial disorders too.

Everyone has a cleft, a spiritual cleft. It channels us to see God, to experience God, and to receive God's power.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
~Bible, 2Corinthians12:9~

Fortunately, some people are even luckier; they have also had physical cleft and that lead us easier to touch God than other people do. 

And those are WE,

Children with special needs

Who we are?

The answer is inside.

If you're interest to know who we are. Please come in and check it out!!!