Known Assassins

  • It is not possible to know all Assassins of Gor due to the number of sites with a Gor section.
  • If a name is not on the list, it is up to the Mentor to find means of providing the information. There are enough that follow such I am sure I can be informed.
  • If One on the list wishes to be deleted, email the request.
  • If One on the list dies, email the name. Remember; just because an Assassin takes a break, does not mean they died.
  • Want to know the Mentor, ask the Assassin or Apprentice; it is not my intent to provide such information.
  • Want to know where they roam, ask them; Assassins travel and it is up to them to provide that information, should they desire.
  • This board will be kept updated without prejudism, politics, or any other reason. The original reason Gor wanted a list was there were many running around playing Assassin and if they managed to kill a known character, the character left and the Assassin may or may not have ever been seen again. It was not intended as a "clique" or club, providing known information is the intent of this list; should it become political I will simply remove it as Preacher does not get into Gorean politics.

    ¥†Preacher†¥ --
    • Brak
    • Dur Gotri
    • Soth GreyEagle
    • Dark Reaper (retired)
    • Jackel
    • ¥†Preacher†¥
    • Salem Khitar
    • ~ShadowMaster~
    • Koran
    • Hadassah Mijurai
    • Lucifer
    • Dala Ki
    • Hellspont
    • Lone Wolf
    • Haden Deathstalker

    • Fredrick
    • Arian
    • Cervantes
    • Akio Ma


    © Copyright - Preacher, 2002