
walking through the endless clouds
snow laden, dreary grey
i chanced to meet a wingless angel
measuring the day

she turned and, smiling, asked me
why i wandered in the gloom
when all around was sunshine warm
and daffodils in bloom

this is where i do belong
where i've always seemed to stay
dark and cold have ever been
my escort, night and day

she took my hand, i followed to
the far edge of the sky
pointing out she said to me
just spread your wings and fly

but i have no wings with which to fly
and fear that i will fall
and who is there to catch me?
i see no one there at all

watch, she said, and learn a lesson
many never find
the wings you need to bear you up
are found within your mind

she turned and spread her arms apart
leaned out towards the land
hovered there on naught but air
and beckoned for my hand

just as i touched her fingertips
the dream melted away
but i still have within my mind
the wings i found that day

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