
I see flowers blooming in spring
I see trees swaying in the breeze
I see snow gleaming on the mountain tops
I see people walking together
I see clouds gathering on the horizon
I hear the wind blowing through the trees
I hear people talking in low voices
I hear children laughing
I hear a dog barking
I hear the thunder crash
I am alone with my pain
I am frightened for the future
I am terrified by the present
I am tortured by the past
I am confused about them all
I want a better life
I want to be free to walk out side
I want to have friends
I want love
I want my child to have a chance in life
I know I have my place
I know I am a prisoner of my own weakness
I know I can break free if I wish it
I know I can run and hide myself away
I know I can survive
I see my reflection
I hear my weeping
I am in great torment
I want this ordeal to be over
I know I must be strong
