Today, Tomorrow, Forever

I remember seeing them
as a child, on television, in movies
standing so tall and strong
facing the harbor, dominating the sky
symbols of our prosperity
such a marvel that we could create
things that seem to defy gravity
even more amazing is the thought
that hate alone should topple them
showering rubble upon thousands of
innocents, men, women, children
snuffing out their lives
merely because they happened to be there
are we a people of hate?
do we now seek to kill, to destroy?
are we now so blinded by our emotions,
our outrage, that we are willing
to sacrifice our world
in the name of revenge?
the events of today are horrible
and yet they are reality
now we must display our true nature
what we truly believe to be the right thing
will that be more death? more destruction?
or will we instead make an attempt
at healing the breach, soothing the hate
try to understand one another
despite our differences....
anger is a very strong thing
but love is so much stronger
and it can support us all
if we stand together
today, tomorrow, forever
