The Walk

I walked to school in the mornings
I walked home in the afternoons
I walked all over town seeking shelter
I walked from town to town, city to city
I walked the streets
I walked alone, always alone
I walked for a good part of my life
How many miles? How many days, months?
I can't say, it's all a blur
faded out by the time between
I walked most of the way from
southern California to Oregon
with a few side trips thrown in
I grew very weary of the road
weary of life
I thought of ending it more than a few times
but I always walked on up the road
Now I walk in the park
I walk at the zoo
I walk with my daughter
I walk with my lover
I could walk another thousand miles
and never grow weary of the road
because I have two wonderful people
who walk beside me always
and remind me that from now on
I will never walk alone
