Seven Years Gone

You've been gone from my life for seven years
You turned me away for the sake of another
The hate and loathing I feel inside
Consume my soul and coat my vision with streaks of red
Why did you desert me right when I needed you the most?
Why did you turn your back on me when I was despairing of my life?
Well, just so that you know, I am still alive
I never again took the blade to my flesh
Maybe this will make you happy to realize
I have found true love and filled my life
My road was long and filled with stones
Since you spurned my love and wrenched my heart
But I still love you, I don't know why
Maybe because you were all I had left
When the world came crashing down around me
Back then you told me everything would be alright
We would make it, we would muddle through
You told me you would always love me
I know that I can never forget you
No matter how many wrongs I have suffered
The wrongs that you ignored for so long
In your blindness of loving another
You two are still together, a nice happy family
And I am just a bad dream to you
Perhaps I never really happened at all
I know I will never see you again but
I will always love you mother

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