Seven Days

Day one: Blackness surrounds with a charnel odor
Tombstones leaning at awkward angles
Jagged teeth waiting to gnaw on the unsuspecting

Day two: Twelve years and mature
Made a woman unwillingly, prematurely
Aborted hopes and dreams still haunt with unseeing eyes

Day three: Lost and alone in the world of shadows
Friends made and taken away by violence
Finding solace in the liquid and the powder

Day four: A ray of sunshine melts away some of the clouds
Hope returns, if only for a short while
Love endures though distance may be great between

Day five: Running breathless through the night
Escaping one demon only to be caught by another
The nightmares begin for real

Day six: Release from bondage and torment by a child unborn
Carrying her away from the madness and depravity
Bearing the fruits of labors and finding joy

Day seven: Love finds its way back to a bruised and bloodied heart
Peace and hope shine bright as the sun
A new life begun, a new world to see

Tomorrow's forecast: Warm and snuggly
