Over And Around

She said to beware of something
Over and around ....
I still don't know what it means
but it has been weighing on my mind
Even while surrounded by my newly adopted family
echoes of those words creep into my soul
sending shivers down my spine and
making my flesh rise in goose bumps
I know she has seen me pause in the midst
of some game or conversation
and stare blankly across the room
at nothing
Her mother has asked three times
if there is something wrong
How can there be when everything has
gone so right
But still .... over and around
something .... I can't place ....
I can't see ....
Does it have anything to do with the dreams?
It doesn't make sense, but
I suppose it is possible
Why would I be having death dreams
when I am just now starting to enjoy life?
I should shake this off
We are going to have a child
we are looking into buying a house
We are going to be a family .... forever
But something keeps telling me
((Over and around))
