
I am sixteen again
Huddled in my makeshift bed
of cardboard and trash
listening to the rain pounding
on the steel lid
Suddenly the lid lifts
and he is there grinning down at me
Quickly I climb out the other side
and run down the alley
out into the street, across
down another alley
turn, stumble, almost fall
he gains ground
breathless, panting
sides aflame with agony
I hear his footfalls, ever closer
as my own begin to falter
I fall face first into a large puddle
turn over quickly to see.....
myself, face contorted in rage
and the perspective shifts
so that I am now looking down
at the huddled form in the puddle
filled with hate and murderous intent
knowing she is a demon,
this girl in the puddle
and I lash out, hitting
kicking, with all my might
Slowly the haze leaves my sight
I look down at the lifeless form before me
turn her over and scream
as I look into the bruised and bloodied face
of my two year old daughter
