
a wreath to hang upon the door
mistletoe and holly
taken from the druids
lights and candles
from the romans
and the festival of saturnalia
and the tree
but there are so many origins
of the tree it is pointless
to go into them here
ancient egyptian, germanic
celtic and druidic rituals
of the solstice
yet even the day was 'borrowed'
and the legend of mithras
lives on in the life
of the christ child
but in all the confusion
a meaning was born
a sharing of love and life
celebration of new birth
where is that feeling now?
bloated by greed and misuse
devoured by half price sales
people fighting
over the last one on the shelf
greedy and hateful
a disgusting display
of our own inhumanity
where is the meaning now?
you won’t find it
in department stores
or online shopping sites
it isn’t in churches or schools
it is gone from most homes
but it still exists
in the dark corners and alleys
hidden from the casual glance
those who know the meaning
are there in the shadows

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