Mating Flight

Inspired by Anne McCaffrey and the flight of Ramoth and Mnementh

Golden scaled, the queen takes flight
glowing, ravenous, insatiable.
She flies high through the night
wings beating out a rhythm
soaring, floating, twirling amongst the clouds
as the bronzes persue, their puny bodies
so far below the queen, she mocks
by diving straight towards them,
brushing them aside like motes of dust
then climbing once again, picking up speed
One gains ground, leaving the others behind
he refuses to give up the chase
She taunts him with a lazy roll
and dives again towards the ground
but he anticipates the move
catches her as she turns, talons grasping,
pins her wings and together they begin
the descent, ten thousand feet
tails entwined, until they are sated
and they land high up on the edge of the weyr
bugling out their joy, and then
they part, she slips into her den
and sleeps the sleep of the fully content
Her ire erased, all energy spent

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