Love (Reprise)

Had any lately?
Know what it is?
Does it make you smile?
Make you laugh?
Fill your heart with joy?
When you find love
You will know what it is.
You will know if it is returned.
By the way their eyes light up
When they see you.
By the way you feel
When you touch.
By the way you know that
You will do anything in the world
For each other.
By the way you can't wait
Until you are together again
Even if you have only been apart
For a few hours.
By the way that you always want
More time together.
More soft kisses and warm embraces.
More quiet conversations,
Heads together.
Smiles for one another.
Laughter and tears
All shared between you.
If this is what love is
I never want to stop loving
Or I will lose all hope and
Slip into despair
