Light Me

stumbling across the alley
as the streetlights play
hide n seek with each other
coughing into a closed fist
as my eyes run their course
down my stained cheeks

corner lamp post leaning
slightly to the left as
the passersby chant in
their unintelligible language
i hold my passport tightly
within stained hands

can i tell you how it feels
to be ever on the outside?
or will you smile your crooked smile
and flag down a cab to take you
to the borders of reality
away from my stained soul

setting filter to lips so
my words come out correctly
i wouldn't want you to get
the wrong impression of
my dishonest intentions or
a glimpse at my stained heart

drag me along behind you
and we play cat and mouse
as the vultures circle above
my wrist shakes again when
looking into your eyes
all i wanted was a light

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