
Where am I going?
I ask myself
away, away and away
is the only reply
moving on once again
scared that he will find me
but why should he care?
I am just a toy for him
to do with as he may please
if the toy gets broken
you go out and get another one
if the toy gets lost you look
for a while
and then go find another one
I hope he doesn't look
too long or too hard
that he is content to just
find another one
(I hope to God she is strong)
So I ride
where am I going?
Away, away and away
through mountains and canyons
across deserts and plains
to make a new life in a new place
the mother of a tiny child
the thought is terrifying to me
but not as truly horrible
as staying behind would be
being a toy
to be played with for a while
then broken and discarded
I know I am not the first toy
that he has had
I will not be the last
but I will not be left lying
broken and lifeless
to be hauled out with the trash
No! Never!
I am better than this
So I will go
Away, away and away
