
You took my hand and led me
to the brink, the edge of it all
you made me look down
at the puny things below
wandering about in their myopic existences
caring nothing about the rest of humanity
wending their ways along set paths
unheeding, unfeeling
you took me then to the window
implored me to look inside
at the happy family rejoicing
in the glow of holidays' warmth
I stood and stared at the four of them
mother, husband, son and daughter
knowing that their joy for life
I could never feel
It was here that next you led me
within these darkened walls
no windows, no ceiling, no fixtures, no floor
and here is where you left me
with that sparkle in your eye
thinking that in here i would stay
that in this place i would die
delusions and confusions confounding my mind
i sank deeper into the mire
blood-caked ruinous revelry
the dogs have their day and
the pigs are in total control
Suddenly a voice rang out
small and light as eiderdown
and I finally heard its message
'come out, come out' it called to me
'turn your back on the blackness within'
and I looked about me and I saw
the grinning faces of dead men
hot saliva dripping off of blood stained fangs
and they chanted as they tore my flesh
in words of chaos, bringing hell into my soul
I picked myself up off the dank and musty ground
shook off the groping grasping claws
fell down, hauled myself up again
running, screaming, for the door
