For Kim

She lay there in her bed
the bed she has been confined to for so long
infections burning through her
sick to her bones, cancerous growths
feeling abandoned, utterly alone
despair and resignation are all that remain.
She cries for release from her bondage
wanting her torment to end, to be finally free.
Her whole life has been torment after torment
cruel rituals performed by demonic creatures
the fruit of her womb ripped out
and given up through bloody sacrifice.
Kim, my friend, don't give up all hope
keep that small glimmer alive deep inside of you
because you will find peace, you will be lifted up
out of this life of horror and anguish
you will be made whole again
yours will be a special place in the Kingdom.
He waits, but a little while, before he takes you
because you still have some work to do here,
finish your writing, expose those who
have put you in your current state.
You said last night that everyone gives up on you
after 3 or 4 months, they tire of you.
But I can promise you this, Kim:
I will stand by you, and I believe Lexie will too
as she has always stood by me,
and Stan is a true friend, you are not really alone.
I hope that when my time comes
and my spirit moves from this existence to the next
that you will meet me there, guide me to the place
where we can live without pain or fear
I love you Kim

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