Fly High, Free Spirit

you were always alone
no matter who was with you
lived life on your own terms
breaking from the norm
how i wish i could have done more
but i know that you would not have let me
you always needed
to do it all yourself
and that's ok
that's a good way
to live life
when i think of you i remember
the times we shared
just sitting and
speaking of what could be
what has been
what is now
fly on, free spirit
fly to the heights
that never seemed possible
when you were on the ground
illness held you down
but you are free
you let loose my thoughts
and touched my soul
and i hate to let you go
but these things are not
for us to choose
so fly on, fly high
to where ever souls may go
i smile when i
picture you
but somehow
i can't keep these tears
from my eyes

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