Fallyn Angel

it happened again last night
i really don't know why
i go to that place anymore
hiding in my corner
watching all of them
listening to snatches of
'debate' and 'discussion'
it all sounds like 'argument' to me
but who am I to say anyway?

on the one side the atheists
and agnostics question
the validity of the credentials
of the 'messiah'
asking for proof that
can never satisfy
it's all just rhetorical anyway
because they really don't
want to find proof after all

on the other side the fundies
claiming every word in the text
is true and 'god inspired'
and there is no flexibility
in their thoughts
if it isn't their way
then it must be wrong
and hell is filled with
good people who just
didn't believe in the 'word'

and here i sit in the midst
wondering how many times
they will drag up
the same old arguments
demand the same proofs
cast the same stones
not realizing
that the blood they shed
belongs to the creator of all
who weeps for the lack
of understanding
between the creations of love

they ask me what i believe
and for awhile i used to answer
but my wings now are singed
and my halo coated with soot
blisters cover my
bare feet and hands
the white gown
blackened and charred
an angel fallyn
whose only remaining question is

how many more times
will you send me to hell?
