Do You Know Me?

If I asked you if you knew me
What would be your reply?
If you saw me on the street today
would you stop and say hi?

If I was hungry and had nothing
would you offer any bread?
If I was homeless, cast-off, wandering
would you offer me a bed?

I know you, I have seen you
so many times before
but you only knew me as
a worthless little whore

I went into your dwelling place
to seek a helping hand
and your servants helped me out, alright
right out on my can

I'm not good enough, it would seem
to mingle with the throng
to worship with the masses
or to lift my voice in song

So I left your house, your temple
never to return
and so they say my shriveled soul
fore'er in hell will burn

But I do not believe those words
for I know deep in my bones
that those people never knew me
so I sit and pray alone

and I ask you do you know me
or is your eye still blind?
It is such a little thing to ask
to give me peace of mind.

And now that I'm respectable?
Will you allow me in?
No, you never really knew me
you have never been my friend.
