To A Different Drum

So sad
the way we seem to treat one another
as if no one really matters
except for ourselves
without even knowing
we send a fellow human being
to their doom
alone and frightened
full of pain
until emotionally drained
spiritually defunct
physically exhausted
and mentally numb
What is it all for?
The ridicule and the judgement
for someone who is
just a bit different
not on the same page
taking a different track
through the forest of life
emotionally disturbed
no fun at a party
(most definitely not!)
sees things in a different light
from a new perspective
dares to stray from the norm
blazing new paths
we call these people insane
and who is to say, really
if they are or if they aren’t
after all, aren’t we all
just a little bit crazy
so we lock them away
where they can do no harm
and we go on our merry way
like cattle through the chutes
to our own unwitting fate
along the accepted lines
of our society
mockingly laughing at those
who have lost their way
while taking a different path
than the one we would have chosen
but I say Go!
Blaze your trails!
Find new meanings!
Look at the world a little differently!
For if we fail to do so
we will end up
right back where we started from
stagnating in our need
for what we call ‘normal’
