Boys Are Yucky

A finger traces a scar
down a cheek
and touches a soul
from two into four
how time changes a life
"Mommy? How did that happen?"
"It's a long story, dear.
It happened a long time ago."
"Was it a car wreck?"
"No, honey, it was
a man with a knife."
"Boys are yucky aren't they?"
How do I answer that question?
Yes, boys are yucky.
They grow to be men,
and men are yucky too, love.
I don't want to influence you
negatively, but
how do I go about explaining
what men are to me?
"Boys aren't so bad honey.
Someday you may even like one
and you'll get married and have
a family of your own.
Give it time dear,
you have a lot of that ahead of you.
For now, boys can be yucky."
"I don't think I'll ever get married.
Ucky yucky icky sticky!"
"That's fine honey.
Just keep your options open."

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