Book of Hope

i once looked out upon the land
and wondrous fair it seemed
flowers raising their heads
to catch the sun-drops
and life was all i had ever dreamed

again i looked but shadows
had fallen dark upon the glade
green withered and browned
and fled from my gaze
and life was death without her shroud

so i vowed to find that greenery
that once i knew so well
and though for years i sought
all became more barren still
hope scurried from my side

within the musty dungeon walls
in the castle of the king of pain
shackled and chained, fading sight
a flicker just beyond my grasp
but the images remained

flying through the darkest night
eastward with the rising wind
to yet another wasteland
hope ahead, i fell behind
within the corridors of my mind

and there i found a tiny piece
of that long ago paradise
with trembling hand i reached
fearing illusion, pulling back
before touching disappointment

but you reached out for my fleeing hand
and caught it up and held it firm
kissing away the fears and tears
of life upon the vagabond trail
opening once again the book of hope

today i smiled as you laughed
and we cried together and i sighed
to love another so completely
is a strange thing to me, and yet
i would trade for nothing in this world

(for lisa, my love, my light, my "book of hope")

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