
you hold me in thrall
although you are years
and miles away
but i can feel you
through these cravings
for what has been

how can i allow this?
to be entrapped once more
within your grasp
deranged pleasures
through my soul
pull me ... taunt me

'can't you see how wrong this is?'
can't you feel how i long for this?
'don't you know there are
better ways to express
i can and i do but
cravings take control

tonight, enraptured
within the arms of my love
but there you stood
by the bed side
as the light of the moon
paled into a miasma of loathing

and shuddering alone
between the walls of my mind
i tried to cast you out
but instead you won
and the smell of flesh
upon the fire pervades my being

and now, an age ago
you held me entrapped
yet here you are
haunting me with your lusts
will you take me to coda
as i play addolorato?

author's note on musical terms used:

Crescendo = Gradually rising in volume.
Coda = The closing section of a composition; an added ending.
Addolorato = Sorrowful

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