The Dark Journey
Chapter 14 - Mary and Rachel

Shed a tear for the lost and lonely
the relics and outcasts of society
wandering through life shunned and despised
ridiculed and tormented by their peers
wasted years spent crawling through the dust
dependant upon the goodness of others for survival

Say a prayer for the weak and weary
toiling just to stay alive on the bleak and grimy streets
never asking for much, never feeling the touch
of human kindness from the crowds
scorned as lazy worthless nobodies
but nobody cares to learn the pain which they endure

You have seen them lying there, stopped to stare
how could a person stoop so low as to live this way?
I can hear you now saying it would never happen to you
but how can we know where circumstance will lead us?
Take care of your own, but always remember it could be you
So shed a tear for the lost and lonely

There were a lot of people at the mission, some were getting food that was being served from the kitchen, some were talking amongst themselves in small groups. I stood near the door not wanting to draw attention to myself, but unable to move further into the place. An older woman approached me and took my hand. My first reaction was to pull my hand back, and she smiled and nodded, indicating that I was to precede her into the main room.

As I moved into the large open room, I felt exposed and knew that everyone in the place must be staring at me. My footsteps faltered and I was just starting to turn back when there was a gentle touch at my left arm. The woman indicated with her hands that I was to go to the dining area and eat. I wondered why she didn't talk, but shrugged and let my stomach be my guide.

She sat with me while I ate, silently encouraging me to help myself to seconds when I finished. I felt guilty about eating so much and my stomach wasn't used to being so full, so I declined. She gathered up my plate and took it to the kitchen, returning shortly with a small plate of cookies. Setting it down in front of me, she again seated herself and motioned for me to eat the cookies.

Halfway through the second cookie I noticed a familiar face in the busy room, and as I sat trying to remember where I had seen her before she turned and glanced my way. Seeing me and my table companion, she smiled, said something to the people around her and walked over to our table.

'Hello again.' She said smiling down at me. She indicated my table companion. 'I see you've met Mary.'

'Well, we haven't really been introduced,' I said awkwardly.

'Oh! Then let me do the honors. This is my dear friend Mary. Mary has been with us for almost six months now. Mary, this is ... I'm sorry, I don't know your name.' She raised an inquiring eyebrow at me.

'Uh ... well ... ' I had no intention of giving my real name. I reached back into memory and pulled something out of an old Stephen King book I had read. 'My name's Nadine. Nice to meet you Mary.'

Mary smiled and nodded her head, gesturing with her hands.

'Mary says 'Hello Nadine.' She doesn't speak. She uses sign language. My name is Rachel McGuinnes and I am very pleased to meet you Nadine. I was hoping I would see you here. Dumpsters are no place to sleep, you know.'

Suddenly I remembered where I had seen this woman before. She was the one who had given me the card behind the 2nd hand shop.

'Thank you Rachel, I'm happy to meet you too. I really should be going though. I need to ... ' I paused realizing what I had been about to say. 'Need to find work.' I finished lamely.

'Well, Nadine, you come back and see us anytime. Mary is always here and there are others who you can talk to. I am usually here in the evenings after I close up the shop. I would like to talk with you some more. If you need anything, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask.'

'Thanks. I really gotta go though.' I rose from the table and after a couple of steps I turned back. 'How much do I owe for the food?'

'Not a thing, dear, not a thing.'
