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Somewhere North of Hell

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling"

“Theres nothing Satan likes better than to get a believer started on a guilt trip."

Hal Lindsey

For anyone on Earth who doesn’t know who Hal Lindsey is, I will tell you who he is to me.Hal Lindsey is a big time holy moly born again christian activist. Prognosticator of christian crapola and"End Times" prophecy. A Bible Thumping , Snake Wiggling , Fire Breathing , Holy Rollin christain elitist. He believes so much in his rantings that he writes books on the subject. One of which I found the above quote.In my opinion Mr. Lindsey should write screenplays for Hollywood. His writings are comical, poorly told and unbelievable.

Just like the garbage Tinsel Town pumps out by the truck loads. But thats a different issue. I’ve read your Bible, Hal. I’ve been to your churches too. All your Hebrew book and God are about are guilt.That book that you hold so dear is the biggest guilt trip ever laid out. From start to finish, the end. I think you should stick to the “deception” gimmick or even the “possession” explanation.

Guilt is the Bibles tool, not Satans. I feel for Satan. He gets blames for everything wrong in this world as well as our lives.In fact, I would wager that if Mr. Lindsey would read this he would surely blame Satan for controlling or deceiving me. Well.... at least its not guilt. Apparently guilt is not wasted on former believers. Of one I am which.I dont think Mr. Lindseys in it for the money. Unlike that troll Jim Baker.Dont get me wrong. I’m sure he’s very well off. Which I believe he would credit to the blessings of his savior. I think Mr. Lindsey is true blue. Actually believing every word his deranged mouth can sputter to anyone who will or will not listen.Well I've listened. He also goes so far to say that besides guilt, art and music not of The Lord are clearly Satans weapons of bringing you down with him. Well Mr. Lindsey,I am art! I am music! I am not of God!! I am of Satan!!!

Think my “ Sheep of the weak” award goes to Mr Hal Lindsey. I think he’d like that.

“Thou Shall Not Kill”

I’m sure at one time or another everyone has heard that phrase. One of the top ten rules for mankind etched in stone. Isn’t it funny how God doesn’t follow his own rules. It must be one of those “ do as I say, not as I do” things. Inside that piece of trash commonly known as the holy bible, God is the worst mass murderer of mankind. Except for some zoo keeper/ boat builder and his family, God single handedly and sadistically kills the entire population of Earth. He drowns everyone, which I hear is a terrible way to die. Maybe they all didn’t drown. Maybe some were killed by debris but never the less they all perished.

Sometimes God sends his angels to do his dirty work for him. This reminds me of what happened in Ca. back in the late sixties when Uncle Charlie sent his angels to do what he thought was the right thing. And now he’s in prison. More then likely for the rest of his unnatural life. I’m sure the lord thought it was the right thing to do when he sent his winged assassins to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and everyone in it. They must not of had any lawyers back then because I dont believe any charges were ever filed.

I often wonder if the culprits would have took the rap for their murderous rampage or would they have handed over the great and almighty God on a silver platter. The one thing that intrigued me about the story was what they did to that fellow Lots wife. They killed her just for looking, being curious. Maybe that's where the ole saying comes from. You know, the one about the cat. She had to look at what the angels were doing and BLAM, she got crystallized. I guess the "leave no witness” saying applied even back then. But back to this not killing thing.

It amuses me that God would command such an order to a race of beings that at the very core are killers. Lets look at history as well as the events of the present. We are, always have been and always will be a warrior race. Killing is in our nature. Man has been killing his brother since the day the two met. The reasons are unimportant. The fact is we kill. Countries love to do it, even the God of “love”does it. But it's frowned upon when an individual does it.

Especially when he does it often.

“Coming soon to a town near you”

"As Konrad Lorenz has shown, of all the
carnivores, only two lack built-in inhibitions
against killing members of their own species, rats and man"

John Bartlaw Martin.

It would seem that our societies worst nightmare is the serial killer. There is nothing worse then watching the news coverage and wondering if your next. It also seems to be a hot topic with the bloodsucking media, with the most recent being the Beltway Sniper. The media had a field day with that one. I thought it was overdone to death but since it was in the D.C. area it got top billing. I found it quite disappointing when the terror spree ended. Not because I was into the killings but because the snipers didn’t fit the classic serial killer profile.

As many of you may know, serial killers are white males in their late 20’s to early 30’s.For the most part they are rogues, although some do hunt in pairs. To a sane person their acts are senseless. But I’m sure that deep inside the waste land of their souls their acts are hardly senseless. They have their reasons. Be it the moon, the stars or even a barking dog, the agenda is very clear. Indulge the insatiable appetite for murder. Kill without being caught. Knowing a victim or being stupid seems to be the way most are caught. Most have never known their prey but with all the hype they lose focus, get cocky and ultimately get caught. To the relief of fine upstanding citizens.

”The Boys Next Door”

Do the names Albert Fish, Edward Gein or Charles Schmid ring any bells ? If not, how about David Berkowitz, Richard Ramirez, John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy. At one time these “gentlemen” struck fear in the hearts of almost everyone nationwide. You may find it hard to believe but I find serial killers fascinating. They have interested me since I first learned what a serial killer was, and they continue to intrigue me till this day. Some I find less interesting and boring but they still have a place in my dark heart. Body counts really don't do anything for me, nor do the type of victims or methods.
The ones that I find the most interesting and “fun” are the killers who carry out their murderous deeds in the name of Satan. After all, Satan has to play catch-up with “The Lords” death count.

”Straight out of Hell”

“ Big deal. Death comes with the territory. I’ll see you in Disney Land”
Richard Ramirez after receiving nineteen death sentences.

The Night Stalker is one of my favorites. He claims to work directly for Satan himself and has never shown an ounce of remorse. From 1984 to 1985 he terrorized Los Angeles. Unlike most serials, Richard would kill in different ways, which in fact made it very difficult to catch him. The “normal” serial will use the same M.O over and over, but not Richard. Richard would kill his prey with any means necessary. Guns, knives, blunt objects. If he had it, he would use it to kill his unsuspecting victims.

All for the service of Satan.

"I've killed twenty people, man.
I love all that blood."

Richard Ramirez.

Police couldn’t do a thing to stop him. At first they didn’t even know they had a serial case on their hands until they found a shoe print at one of the crime scenes. It matched a few others and panic settled in on L.A’s finest. He would also leave behind symbols associated with “The Devil”, unlike the shoe print, the symbols were left for all to find. He also was selective in who would live and who would die. Leaving a victim alive was his ultimate downfall. Not reading the news paper on his way back from a trip out of the city was his other.

"You maggots make me sick. I will be avenged.
Lucifer dwells in us all."

Richard Ramirez

Richard has claimed numerous times that Lucifer will protect and help him. Apparently it will come in the afterlife. The Night Stalker sits and waits to take his last breath of fresh air in San Quentin’s gas chamber. I’m sure the Dark Prince will reward him well. He’s probably got a penthouse suite reserved for him deep in the bowels of Hell. I wonder if he would rent me a room ... what a party that would be.

"Mr. .44"

From July 1976 to August 1977 a certain individual captured an entire city in a web of chaos and terror. The mere mention of his name was enough to paralyze the very lives of the common New Yorker. Also known as the .44 calibur killer because of the type of weapon he used, David Berkowitz hunted and killed six people, wounding seven.

The prototype for the president of the he-man women haters club, Davids targets were women. No doubt steming back to a dark upbringing even though he claims to have had a normal one. Hunting the darkened streets of N.Y he would prey on young lovers parked in their cars.Approaching the cars without warning he would empty his chamber in his victims. He believed that a six thousand year old spirit was commanding him to kill through the aid of a neighbors dog.

"The demons were protecting me,
I had nothing to fear from the police."
David Berkowitz

Once working for the U.S postal serivce, David gave new meaning to or maybe invented the term Disgruntled Postal Worker. Like the Night Stalker, Son of Sam killed in the service of Satan. David claimed to be part of a nationwide killer Satanic cult. He also claimed not be the only shooter of the thirteen month killing spree. Neither claim has ever been proven.

"Hello from the gutters of New York City,
which are filled with dog manure, vomit,
stale wine, urine and blood."
The 'Son of Sam' is born.
David Berkowitz

The question of Davids sanity has never been answered. Some think it was all a clever ploy to get off on an insanity plea while others believe he suffers deeply from schizophrenia. He is currently serving six consecutive twenty five to life terms in a upstate N.Y. prison. The Son of Sam case expanded the way police profilers handle serial killer cases. Which must mean that he was good for something besides killing. The follower of demon and dog voices was responsible for the largest man-hunt in the citys history and was the only serial case since the 50's, which maybe the reason he eluded the police for so long. The demon of the dogs could not save him from justice but they must of saved him from the death penalty. Or maybe it was a higher force....

"I did'nt want to hurt them,
I only wanted to kill them."
David Berkowitz

I read that in 1987 Mr.44 converted to the other side. Now not wanting to be known as The Son of Sam, he prefers to be known as The Son of Hope. In my opinion, David turning to christianity has proven what doctors have not. He is, without a doubt, totaly insane. I also read that Davids due date for release from prison is sometime in 2007. If so, I wonder if the fellowship of the church he chooses will be as forgiving as Jesus when they find out who and what he is. Nice try Sam, but I'm not buying a single word of your new testimony.

"Laugh Clown, Laugh"

Even though his murders were not committed in the service of Satan, John Wayne Gacy intrigues me to the point of no return. It could very well be the fact that he was one of the worst serial killers in our nations short history. It could also be the Jekyll & Hyde lifestyle he lived or maybe it’s just that he was the sickest son of a bitch ever to wear a clown suit.

A shrewd and cold blooded killer, Gacy was responsible for the murders of 33 young men and boys. He would prey mostly on unsuspecting male prostitutes, although 5 of his victims were known to have worked for Gacys construction business. A business owner and participator in local politics and community functions, Gacy {to the people that knew him and didn’t get killed} was very nice, well liked and all around great guy. A pillar of the community so to speak. He wore the ultimate disguise of deception. Which is why he left the good people of Des Plains in shock and utter disbelief.

Johns first arrest came in 1968. He pleaded guilty to sodomy and was sentenced to 10 years. But because he was such a model prisoner he was released in 18 months. 8 months after his release he was arrested again and charged with attempted rape. The charges however were dropped after the young male failed to appear in court. Didn’t anyone see a pattern here? I think the red flags should of been flying high with this one.

His first murder came in 1972 which he claimed was an accident. He must of enjoyed it though because his killings escalated and continued until 1978. In 1975, along with his second murder, John invented the character "Pogo" the clown and oftened entertained sick children . Yikes!!! If those parents only knew. John would use chloroform, ‘trick’ handcuffs or the promise of a job to lure his victims into his homosexual nightmare. Once he got them where he wanted, he would use a rope and board to strangle them. He then{ after satisfying his perverted, disgusting physical lust} would bury the bodies in the crawl-space of his suburban home. It was only after he thought he had filled his deadly lair did he take to disposing the bodies in the Des Plains river.

"The only thing I'm guilty of is
running an unlicensed cemetery"
John Wayne Gacy.

In an unsigned confession in 1978, John claimed that there were actually 4 "Johns". The one known {only to himself} as ‘Jack’ was responsible for the heinous crimes.At the time of his arrest he constructed a map of the 28 graves under his house and garage and told the police about the 5 in the river. John was convicted and sentenced to die in 1980. It took 14 years but on May 10, 1994 Pogo the clown was put to death by lethal injection, arrogant and cocky as ever he snarled his last words,
"Kiss my ass."

South of Sanity

I could go on forever about the 'Human Hunters' as there are too many to list. I think since this is not a serial killer site that three will suffice. As I have mentioned, serials that kill in the name of Satan are my favorite. You may find it sick, twisted and demented but also add honest to your judgement of me, if you have indeed judged me.

As you may perceive, Son of Sam is one of my favorite sagas. Not for what he is but for what he was. Like the Night Stalker, Son of Sam captivates my dark soul.It bounds me so much that I wear the Son of Sam logo on my leather jacket.I am not condoning the actions of his personal madness or any others, past, present and future, I am just being brutally honest about what I find interesting.

I am indeed into anything of Satan, evil or darkness and these predators seem to fit right in place. Some people are into cars (small penis complex}, others are into woodworking or needlepoint. I am however not interested in what the "norm" does for a hobby. I have taken the Left-Hand Path, for this I am unashamed.

On to Darkness Rising


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All original thoughts, art and sin by Atticus. © copyright 2003-2005 Season of Misery Productions