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My Poems, To Heather

One Year, One Half

one year with you, almost another, it's amazing that we still love each other. the times have been rough, at least for awhile, eventually i broke through, and again made you smile. i let into your life a happiness that you thought was gone, the love shone back in like the sun at dawn. and since that sun, i dont recall rain, at least in the form of emotional pain. deep inside i hope your soul is content, not building up again, waiting like a volcano to vent

we have been here before, yet like a waterfall it cascaded, but up ahead the river seems calm. and this time around, a little chute wont deter us, nor will a little spout hold us down. and if and when repair work is needed, i'm sure the problem will be fixed, as long as the little crack doesnt become a great rift. and only through hatred could this be derived, the bond that we share entangles both our whole lives, and with out my oxygen, i could not survive.


you've affected me like no one else ever will, you've filled a void no one else could ever fill. there is a place for you, that no one else could ever fit in, you're welcomed on my lap, that no one else could ever sit in. i need you in my life, but there is more than a need, if you werent here with me, my aching heart would surely bleed. the future is not clearly cut, for we make it up as we go. you question if your meant for me but, down deep inside we know. when i hold you close, it is like you fit; you are supposed to be in my arms.

within the next two years, our relationship will be tried. when i thought you would be gone, i sat alone and cried. we'll move away, but only in space, because when i close my eyes, i'll still see your face. knowing that you're not far away, would brighten up the darkest day- that i'll never fear.

yet i would never make this conviction blindly, but i could always put these thoughts behind me. yet in reality, soon they will come, the distance will not affect me. i know our love will rightly protect me. we have to talk and keep things right, swear to never bicker, lie, or fight. to keep intact, what we both want and need, and not bottle up, what could make the other bleed. maybe a few things need to be changed, sacrifices that are worth the pain. to keep each other from mislaying, the thought of love, which plans on staying.

we'll need each other most in the years that follow, i know this is a lot for you to swallow. i'm asking you now, to help eliminate the bad, to make this the best relationship we've ever had. and to keep that statement around for years, to keep away the longing tears, so that both of us never forget, how much in love our hearts can get; to be there when the times are hardest, when our distances apart are the farthest, so we can make it through, hand in hand, and always be there for each other. smiling.

First Date

its bitter outside, the cold, the rain, the moons rays shining bright. walk with me, down the darkened road, to where we've never been, to see the things you could only imagine; the unlikened liked, the different similar. yet the cold, is still cold, and ever so cold does your frosted heart stay, yet vowed away and so forthcoming. the similarities fade. the hatred boils. all could be annuled with out great toils. yet deep inside, your heart lay frigid- until we kissed

if there was love, if there was love to be had, love to be shown, your the one this love is facing, pretty face touched by gods gracing, the one this young lover cant be without, the little girl whose love i dont doubt, who holds me tightly keeps me warm, the girl i've stayed with through the storm, to let the calming winds prevail, to grasp the future, then set sail.

The Simple Truth

the simple truth finds me lacking, it evades my ears, it brings me to tears, the girl i long for cares not.

it cant be stopped, she will not have it, the dust i have bit, the girl i long for thinks not.

if truth do come, then emotions are mixed, one more time we must be fixed, the girl i long for sees not.

when my heart is stopped, it is surely crushed, decisions about us should not be rushed, the girl i long for feels not.

once again, i take her in, again she commits this deadly sin. the girl i long for stops not.

the knife is in, my heart is bleeding, because of her simple deceiving. the girl i long for knows not.

in time, people are changed. in time she became deranged. the girl i long for changes not.

the girl i long for, wards me away. who would stay another day; to face the person who hurts them most, who will not stop until their toast, to repeat events, with no remorse, to make me kick another dead horse. to try so hard, and fall even harder-

the simple truth finds me lacking.

The First Year

Through all the times, I find you here, reading this, eyes filled with cheer. The day has come, 52 weeks have passed, its time to celebrate our year at last. Through rocky roads and love drawn highs, you look at me with your big brown eyes, dreading our day of eternal good byes.

When this all began, a year ago, I hoped this day would soon show. The love was there, we felt it dearly, and our lives together were put forth clearly. We were in love, to this day still are, and through that love we’ve come so far. We both have changed, it comes with age, and that’s when love did set the stage, we stuck together, through it all, our love rose high, and did not fall.

People say you can not last, teenage love is for the past. We’ve proved them wrong, our love in full ascent, if they only knew what ‘’I love you’’ meant. I’d think they’d find, with much surprise, how much love is left in our young eyes. And through those eyes, I will always see, your big brown eyes looking back at me. I still swoon in raptured bliss, every time we make that kiss, to show each other how much we care, to tell ourselves we’ll always be there.

The last year with you has been amazing, twelve less months of relationship grazing. Its good to know where your heart belongs, held by another, gripped like tongs. You are still here, and so am I, we’ve been through a lot, you’ve made me cry. Much brighter pastures are ahead, don’t look for them with unwavering dread. We are here now, together still, I’ll always love you, you know I will. To another year, with out a fetter, our love is strong, only to get better. I love you

Valentines Day

Red Words Form An Image Sideways, Tilt Your Head To The Left And Read Up

the greatest wish i could possibly desire, the deepest love i could possibly imagine, the brightness of my day.




..the feeling of love resurgent

..knowing that i’ll always be

there for you your side


...........................all your ideas

with my love


..for ................................your

every .......................................ailment



............................................loving you

............................................more every

.......moment that we are together.

..knowing we’ll be together forever.

the happiest that i’ve ever been, the most in love i’ll ever be, until the next moment we spend together comes.

Snowy Christmas

There is no snow, Our Christmas isn’t white, But being with you makes this Christmas right.

You've been waiting a year, And so have I, For this not white Christmas to arrive.

But when the presents are opened, And we look at each other, The best gift will not be unwrapped.

Because this Christmas we both shared a gift, And if you unwrap it, It may no longer tick.

“Merry Christmas Sweety“, Said with the gift of Love, This present means more than the white turtledove; For the white turtledove can be replaced if broken, But when I give you my Heart it’s a one time token, So keep this present wrapped up tight, To keep you warm on this cold Christmas night, And hold it deep inside, Right next to your heart, So when Christmas is over, The gift of Love will never part,

Merry Christmas Sweetheart.

The Axe of Love

my love for the girl was as big as can be, thick and strong like a redwood tree. but the girl i love, with her deceit and lies, was an axe to me in disguise.

with the initial hit, my love was shaking, nothing strong enough to begin the breaking. but more she lied, and again she chipped, only a few more times till this strong love tipped. but the love stood strong, it would not break, all my roots- my soul at stake

again my love stood strong, but now again she has done me wrong. she became the axe to my redwood tree, without her knowing- she's killing me.

my love for the girl was as big as can be, but with the slow chops and agony, the axe i love is killing me. theres one more piece of my love not torn- that in the future, i will not mourn. the love that is left has been fortified, but if i find that she has lied, the axe within her will surely glide- through the thick love i've left wide open, to kill this tree- my love lie broken.

The Worst Month of My Life

A broken heart, eyes all cried out, the thoughts that taint my mind are clear- and true. Yet if love binds and never breaks, why, dear god why, am i the target of this pain, for the binding strand has frayed, tearing me open, left feeling betrayed. I only ask for a fair return, for a month that let my loving soul burn, to show me how remorse does win, or give me the strenght to bypass sin.