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Becky & Colin - Our Life in a Nutshell...

Colin and I met back in 1988 in Mrs. St. Amand's Algebra class at Fuquay Varina Senior High School. It was hate at first sight. He was a Junior, and I was a Freshman. Now, everyone knows that Freshmen "DON'T" talk to upper classman. It's just not done. So, there we were, sitting right next to one another, valiantly ignoring one another. Until that one dreadful day when Colin had his wisdom teeth pulled. Did he stay home afterwards? No! He came back to school, along with a big tall glass of crushed ice water. Now, Becky's sitting there minding her own business, trying to understand this Algebra crap that the teacher is trying to shove down her thoat. While she'd doing that, Colin accidentally knocks over his glass. Instead of sweeping it off of his desk opposite Becky (which was empty by the way) he swipes it all over to the other side. All over Becky. To all of those who know me - I didn't take it sitting down. Needless to say, we both got in trouble, and immediately it was war. Well, the war didn't last long because we eventually got to know one another through friends, family, work, and church. I tried fixing him up with my girlfriends, which never worked out, and he would listen to my problems - whenever they would pop up. Eventually, he went off to Germany for a 2 year tour in the Army. 1994 he came back home to see his brother graduate from highschool. We bumped into each other at Rose's, and it was like, "Were in the hell have you been all of my life???". They say that there is a fine love between love and hate. Well, we found it, tripped, and got all tangled in it. This is our life, thus far. Family, Friends, Pets... ahhhh, our life. Like a fine wine, it just keeps getting better with age.

Hurricane Katrina I'm OK Registry

***On a more somber note, since the destruction of Hurricane Katrina hit, many lives have been lost. A website has been created to help those who are looking for lost loved ones. Please visit the link above by hitting the Hurricane Katrina "I'm OK" button. Thankyou.***

What's what in our lives...

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Our Family
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My Blog
