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Here are my baaay-bees

fine art

The Professional

The Boss himself



more closet


bathroom aka 'the hole'

Thanks for stopping by

Tour De Batch

My humble abode, click a small picture and *magic* you get a big one!Some of the pictures need a little bit more explaining than their caption provides.

My 'couch' may look like a bed, but that's just because while it takes one person a matter of seconds to flatten a futon it is not so easy to get up by oneself, especially with all that junk on it.

The next picture is of my 'workstation.' This is my new toy, since getting it I find myself sleeping less and less. I used to have a ThinkPad and not to be a switcher ad but that stopped working altogether and now I have a super stable operating system! Along with a new digital camera I managed to annex from my father.

Next are my real babies. Dvds will be the reason I go bankrupt, I am a sucker for the director commentary (note: for all of you who have NOT seen Donnie Darko, please do yourselves a favor and get right on that).

The Fine Art piece you come to next is the product of my ever talented brother, well actually he was drawing it and the entire time pretending to be 'artsty.' This was to directly poke fun at me,the product of my ridicule is pretty cool though.

The Professional is the only other living thing in my apartment, well, only living thing here in agreement with me.

The Boss is my vacuum which my mother got me because it matched my curtains and it is actually called The Boss. I had to tape the picture of Springsteen on but you get the idea.

The high point of the whole apartment is my bed, so great.

Next my closet and more closet. Every time I wake up it seems that my closet has either sprung a steady leak, or simply vomited its contents all over my room. I don't know what to do about this, I haven't discovered whether this is alcohol related or not, all I know is my Heineken slowly disappears every weekend.

This is a collage of my kitchen, the interesting part is the window that leads to my bedroom. The sign that appears in above the sink and again in the lower right hand corner is simply a command to wash the dishes. I write and paint on newspaper because it it free, its on a cool page though, there is an advertisement for the Eight Propositions at the MoMA, check it out.

Alright, finally we come to my bathroom. Truely the downfall of the entire apartment, I make it work though.
So that's it, my entire apartment in a gallery of thumbnails. I hope you enjoyed it. Weird, I feel kinda like the people saying goodbye to Mtv after cribs...ha