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This is what Rodney has to say:

"...Ever since hitting your site I have been on a buzz, and have been digging

out all the relevant photographs that I would like to share with you all.

Looking through the old photographs names like Gordon (Mutka) Brackstone,

Alan (Rumputs) Roberts, Munu (Lumpy) Hussain, and Alan (Mutchi) Harris come

to mind readily. The last picture is one of the suave and gentle Abdul Zarawani......"

Rodney during his Barnes Days

The School Cricket Team..teachers Wilfred King (l),Frank MacInnes (c) and Sashi Gadre(r)

Boxing: Rodney seated next to Mr Suares

The School Hockey Team..Rodney centre row, far left... Teacher: Mr Job.


below..'the suave and gentle Abdul Zarawani'


"Now to give you a little information about myself since my Barnes School days. 

I came to England in 1961 and after a few job changes trained as a

Scientific Glassblower. As a Scientific Glassblower I moved around the trade

gathering wide and varied experience, and in 1978 was appointed as a

Lecturer in Scientific Glassblowing at Hounslow Borough College. I did my

Teachers Training and gained my Cert Ed. It was a job I enjoyed immensely,

which involved teaching our home students and those that came from as far as

the Far East and Africa, but unfortunately the advent of the microchip

proved the death knell for Scientific Glassblowing. I left teaching and

soon joined the famous Wembley Stadium in their Health & Safety, Medical

Dept. as their Stock Controller. Due to part of the very public company sell

off and departmental changes, I was made redundant in Dec 1999. It is

fortunate that I was able to take early retirement, which I am enjoying with

my wife Maureen who has also now retired. As we are busy doing our own thing

we find that the time just flies. It is nice to do things when we want to

which is great and we are making the most of it."


"In 1966 I married Maureen Orchard who was also in Barnes (1951- 52). She is

in contact with Zenita Wainwright and the Harpers here in England but

remembers Freda & Beryl Symonds, Rubi Irani to name just a few. We have

three sons, the eldest is Kevin who is working in Venezuela for an American

company at the moment and the twins Gary and Stephen who are married and

have five children between them. The grandies are lovely and bring a lot of

joy and happiness into our lives. It is sad that they have to grow up so

soon and seem to have a damn answer for everything, but their old' Pops' can

just about hold his own, and will do so while the going is good. I bet you

grandparents out there know the feeling well.

Rod and Maureen's three sons Kevin and twins Gary and Steve

At home with family....

Maxine (Rod's sister) and Maurine


Rod the Grandfather..........


Please keep in touch.


>From these two evergreens to all you old Barnes folks"

Rod Dawes <>